How to ADD fonts(Other than Base Fonts) in PDFInclude

Posted by SHASHANK on 10-Sep-2018 06:40

Hello Guys,

I am creating PDF report using PDFInclude, It is working great for base 14 fonts(, 

But now i required  more fonts like (Roboto-Light and some Arabic fonts) to support into PdfInclude,

But unable to load these new fonts,

I used as below:


/****************************** PDF Creation Start *******************************/
RUN pdf_new ("Spdf","C:\Users\ssingh\Desktop\Fonts\FontsSample.pdf").
RUN pdf_load_font("spdf","Roboto-light|NOEMBED","C:\Users\ssingh\Desktop\Reporting\Roboto-light.ttf","C:\Users\ssingh\Desktop\Reporting\Roboto-light.afm","").

RUN pdf_load_font("spdf","ALGERIA|NOEMBED","C:\Users\ssingh\Desktop\Reporting\ALGERIA.ttf","C:\Users\ssingh\Desktop\Reporting\ALGERIA.afm","").



 PDF file is generated but the spacing between Laters is not Proper as shown in image.

Please Help On it,

Thanks in Adv.



All Replies

Posted by Richard.Kelters on 11-Sep-2018 01:12

Hi Shashank,

If I remember correctly it is very easy with the latest version. You have to pay a little but it is certainly worth it, check


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