Is there any way to control the order of web handlers and URL mappings when building a WAR file beyond the ? I have several handlers that begin with the same sub-URI, and the alphabetical ordering of the services happens to put the shorter ones before the more detailed.
Alternatively, is there a way to rename a service after it's been created?
I understand that, and controlling that order is what I'm asking about. The issue I'm having is, when the properties file is generated as part of the WAR file creation. From what I can tell, the initial handler order is being determined by the alphabetical order of the defined services, With ServiceA having its handler lines coming before ServiceB.
My question is whether there's any way to alter this default order without having to modify the generated properties file, or if not, if there's a way to change the names of the services without destroying and recreating them (with hackish solutions being acceptable).
My experience suggest that, when deployed through PDS, the intermediary appends new handlers the list, with more recent additions having a higher handler number.
It looks like, at least for the time being, I'll need to rebuild my services.