Managing dll files

Posted by rkane on 24-Apr-2018 09:06

I tried this post to the general group and did not see it come through or get any replies so I'm trying here.  My apologies if you are seeing a duplicate.

This is our first time dealing with custom dll files and I'm looking for some advice on best practice for handling.

Progress version 10.2B

My thought was that we would want to have a central location for storing this
first dll file and any future dll files so we would not have multiple copies
floating around. However, either that is not the best practice or I'm not
seeing how to achieve it.

The application works with the dll in the local working directory. However,
when I move it to a central directory and add -assemblies with the central
directory then I get an error that there is no assemblies.xml file. If I move
the applications assemblies.xml file to the central directory then it works
but I have a generically named assemblies.xml file preventing other applicationsfrom doing the same.

Am I missing something obvious?  Any advice?



All Replies

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 24-Apr-2018 09:12

Hi Rick,
Are you trying to have a single directory across all users which contains all of the assemblies that any user or any application needs?
If so, you will need to have an assemblies.xml file in that directory which contains references to all of the assemblies and all applications must point to it.
Personally, I wouldn’t go this route as it will make maintenance/updates a nightmare.
Brian Maher
Principal Engineer, Technical Support
14 Oak Park | Bedford, MA 01730 | USA
+1 781 280 3075

Posted by rkane on 24-Apr-2018 09:44

Thanks Brian.  That is what I thought would be best but I did not want one assemblies.xml file covering all applications.  I just wanted one version of the DLL so that if updates were made they would be implemented for all applications that used the shared library versus having to know what applications used a DLL and having to update each.
I really don’t know what’s the best practice.  Thanks for your advice.

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 24-Apr-2018 09:50

You may want to look into the GAC (Global Assembly Cache).  Google “.net gac”.
Brian Maher
Principal Engineer, Technical Support
14 Oak Park | Bedford, MA 01730 | USA
+1 781 280 3075

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