ABLDoc bugs in 11.6.3: nullpointer and no comments for files

Posted by Steven Peeters on 16-Apr-2018 07:20

I'm experiencing issues regarding creation of ABLDoc in OE 11.6.3 Win-32/Win 10:

1. In PDS I have added linked maps in my project refering to the folders that contain the classes.
When I try to generate the ABLDoc (Right-click on file -> generate ABLDoc) I get the error
'An internal error occurred during: "ABLDoc". java.lang.NullPointerException'
When I copy the files to a local folder in my project, I don't get the error and the ABLDoc gets generated.

2. Once I got the ABLDoc generated, my comments were not shown in the resulting HTML files.
It seems the ABLDoc generation can't handle ABL Files that were written with file line delimiter "Unix". Only when I converted the ABL file to Windows CR LF, the comments in the results were visible.

Has this problem been solved in 11.6.4? I can't find any KB related to these problems.

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Posted by Jeffrey Z. Wolf on 16-Apr-2018 12:11

Hello Steven

#2 is a known problem. It might be addressed in a future release.If you wanted a fix for your release, you'd need to create a technical support case.

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