PDSOE 11.5.1 Windows 7

Posted by PapaLee on 29-Mar-2018 09:38

PDSOE 11.5.1 on a Windows 7 32-bit system won't start. It was building late yesterday and wasn't completed this morning. She killed it with the Task Manager and now it begins the startup process and then just goes away.

Is there a way to fix this w/o resorting to a reinstall?

Posted by Peter Judge on 29-Mar-2018 09:48

Make sure the jawaw.exe is not running (not sure what was killed).

Then try starting a ‘clean’ version – but add  -clearPersistedState  to the shortcut/command line.

All Replies

Posted by Mike Fechner on 29-Mar-2018 09:44

Any .snap files somewhere?  For instance in .metadata\plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources ?
Try to delete those (create a backup of .metadata first).
What also helps sometimes is to rename the project directory that was building, start PDSOE (it won’t find the project), close PDSOE, rename the project directory back and start PDSOE again.

Posted by Matt Baker on 29-Mar-2018 09:46

Depends on what the problem is.
You can try running the execute with an alternate workspace
Proenv>c:\progress\openedge\oeide\eclipse\eclipse.exe -data c:\temp

Posted by Peter Judge on 29-Mar-2018 09:48

Make sure the jawaw.exe is not running (not sure what was killed).

Then try starting a ‘clean’ version – but add  -clearPersistedState  to the shortcut/command line.

Posted by Mike Fechner on 29-Mar-2018 09:49

And if all that does not help, looking at the .metadata/.log file for the last exception. It can't hurt to delete that file prior to starting PDSOE

Posted by PapaLee on 29-Mar-2018 11:14

Thanks everyone, we'll take a look at those things and see if it works.

Posted by PapaLee on 29-Mar-2018 13:19

Peter's suggestion did the trick. Thanks again!

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