I am sending a file in HTTP request. If the length of the file content is greater than 30000, then messagePart doesn't contain the whole content. It only contains upto 30,000 with <<...MORE...>> at the end. Is there any way that messagePart contains the whole file and send it in HTTP request?
Here is my code:
lv-multiPartEntity:AddPart(lv-messagePart). lv-messagePart = new MessagePart("text/plain", new String(lv-tempFile)).
lv-messagePart:Headers:Put( HttpHeaderBuilder:Build( "Content-Disposition") :Value('form-data; name=' + quoter("primary")) :Header). lv-multiPartEntity:AddPart(lv-messagePart). lv-requestTempData = lv-messagePart:Body:ToString(). copy-lob lv-requestTempData to file "C:\rex\temp\request.txt". message length(lv-requestTempData).
I think it's a bug. Try to change text/plain to text/html - this won't truncate the longchar to 30000 bytes as it is currently doing.
I think it's a bug. Try to change text/plain to text/html - this won't truncate the longchar to 30000 bytes as it is currently doing.
It depends on the version. This should have been fixed in 11.6.1.
in later versions you can also load the file into a OpenEdge.Core.Memptr (instead of a String type).
Changed it to text/html. It is still truncating the longchar to 30000 bytes when I printed it in the file. But, it still worked somehow.
Thank you very much for your answer.
I tried Memptr earlier. But, it didn't work.
Thank you for your answer.