I wonder... Why could it be that following code don't work as spected?
CREATE BROWSE hBrowse ASSIGN X = 17 Y = 63 WIDTH = 90 DOWN = 14 FRAME = FRAME {&frame-name}:handle READ-ONLY = YES SENSITIVE = TRUE ROW-MARKERS = TRUE SEPARATORS = TRUE FIT-LAST-COLUMN = TRUE FONT = 1 TRIGGERS: ON DEFAULT-ACTION DO: IF AVAILABLE(ttClienteNombre) THEN DO: ASSIGN pSeleccion = ttClienteNombre.cliente. APPLY "GO":U TO FRAME {&FRAME-NAME}. END. END. ON ROW-DISPLAY DO: hBrowse:GET-BROWSE-COLUMN(1):FORMAT = "X(40)". hBrowse:GET-BROWSE-COLUMN(2):FORMAT = "X(15)". hBrowse:GET-BROWSE-COLUMN(2):FORMAT = "X(16)". END. END TRIGGERS. CREATE QUERY hQuery. hQuery:SET-BUFFERS(BUFFER ttClienteNombre:handle). hQuery:QUERY-PREPARE(cBaseQuery). hQuery:QUERY-OPEN (). hBrowse:QUERY = hQuery. hColumn = hBrowse:ADD-LIKE-COLUMN ("ttClienteNombre.Nombre"). hColumn = hBrowse:ADD-LIKE-COLUMN ("ttClienteNombre.RFC"). hColumn = hBrowse:ADD-LIKE-COLUMN ("ttClienteNombre.Cliente"). hBrowse:GET-BROWSE-COLUMN(1):Width = 35. hBrowse:GET-BROWSE-COLUMN(2):Width = 15. hBrowse:GET-BROWSE-COLUMN(3):Width = 10.
First, customer name won't shows full name as contained on record, it uses "X(8)", alsto RFC column has same problem.
Width of fields apparently is correct, but not format...
set the format stuff in the temp-table definition
One solution is before you add to the browse set via the buffer field handle:
BUFFER ttClienteNombre:HANDLE:BUFFER-FIELD("Nombre"):FORMAT = "X(40)".
set the format stuff in the temp-table definition
thanks [mention:b5de43d9c892484d8d242a9b1a4b6e69:e9ed411860ed4f2ba0265705b8793d05] you nailed it...
Just I wonder, If on a future task, I need diferent format for some field, I see impractical to make another .i defining TT with other fortmat...
One solution is before you add to the browse set via the buffer field handle:
BUFFER ttClienteNombre:HANDLE:BUFFER-FIELD("Nombre"):FORMAT = "X(40)".