I've recently started using the JsonObject class available in progress and I've realized the following:
I try to set a character value of a given property that contains a slash. E.g: myJsonObject:Set("MyProperty", "abcd/1234"),
If I later print the JsonObject I see that the value set it's actually "abcd\/1234". I've tried to anticipate this issue by setting the scape character my self by running myJsonObject:Set("MyProperty", "abcd\/1234") instead. The property however, is set to "abcd\/1234".
Do you know what I could use as a work-around to set the value properly?
Thanks in advance for your inputs!
The '/' character needs to be escaped in the JSON string. Look at www.json.org. The string will be un-escaped by the parser when extracting the property's value.
The '/' character needs to be escaped in the JSON string. Look at www.json.org. The string will be un-escaped by the parser when extracting the property's value.
Thanks Robin and Peter for your quick responses!