Progress OpenEdge 11.7 - localhost:9090 didn't work

Posted by miha56155136 on 04-Nov-2017 15:51


I have big problem with Progress OpenEdge 11.7 and I strongly need technical support.

I didn't can to use localhost:9090  - each browser write eror - connection refused (Unable to connect) .

But port 9090 is free.

Very strange, what  I didn't have file and I can't give to Progress OpenEdge new port.

I have this problem two monts and I can't resolve this by myself.

Uninstall and new installation did't help me.

Anybody can give me technical support?

Posted by Valeriy Bashkatov on 08-Nov-2017 01:09

or you can use the Start menu.

Posted by sdobbey on 08-Nov-2017 00:51


Instructions/commands provided by Valeriy needs to be run from PROENV. You cannot run them from cmd.

You can launch PROENV from <OpenEdge install location(DLC)>\bin\proenv.bat. You will be prompted with proenv command prompt. From there you can run the commands. Please get back if you are still facing issue.



Posted by Valeriy Bashkatov on 07-Nov-2017 01:47

Fisrt, check that AdminServer is started:

proadsv -q

Second, check that fathom (aka management) is started:

fathom -query

If both are started, then check port 9090 in the firewall.

What OS are you use? if you use localhost for connect then it seems to me it it is Windows, right?

All Replies

Posted by Matt Baker on 06-Nov-2017 07:40

Did you call tech support?

Did you look in adminserver log file and ads0.exp file for messages?

Posted by miha56155136 on 06-Nov-2017 14:04

Hello, Matt!

I don't know how to call tech support - how to do it? Can tech support  resolve this problem remotely, directly on my computer?

Yes, I looked adminserver log file - where only information, when Progress was started (data and time).

ads0 file show only text info about software....
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If I try to install Virtual machine to my computer can it resolve problem?

I think problem resolve on some easy, but I don't know how to do it by myself.

Sorry for my silly questions - I'm just beginer and have soo many problem using Progress. 

All my hope for the community and you))))

Posted by Matt Baker on 06-Nov-2017 19:02

You can find the contact information for tech support here on the website.

Start here:

There is a contact phone number at the top of the page.

Posted by Valeriy Bashkatov on 07-Nov-2017 01:47

Fisrt, check that AdminServer is started:

proadsv -q

Second, check that fathom (aka management) is started:

fathom -query

If both are started, then check port 9090 in the firewall.

What OS are you use? if you use localhost for connect then it seems to me it it is Windows, right?

Posted by miha56155136 on 07-Nov-2017 12:13

Hello everyone!

Dear Valeriy, I have Windows 8.1 OS by my computer.

proadsv -q for Windows didn't work in cmd . But if I see right in Service Pannel  of OS Admin Service have status Running. But fathom  didn't recognize  - I don't know, how to call fathom by Windows OS cmd   and file  is absent  on my computer.

Posted by sdobbey on 08-Nov-2017 00:51


Instructions/commands provided by Valeriy needs to be run from PROENV. You cannot run them from cmd.

You can launch PROENV from <OpenEdge install location(DLC)>\bin\proenv.bat. You will be prompted with proenv command prompt. From there you can run the commands. Please get back if you are still facing issue.



Posted by Valeriy Bashkatov on 08-Nov-2017 01:09

or you can use the Start menu.

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 08-Nov-2017 07:44

Or you can have a batch file that sets the appropriate PATH and DLC settings and use cmd. 

I do this all the time. 

Posted by miha56155136 on 15-Nov-2017 12:06


I'm so sorry what I kept silence so long.

I just returned from worktrip and start to check  your suggestens for my problem resolving.

It's works! Hurra!

I called as Valery told PROENV  from Start menu,  sent query for   proadsv -q and receive answer: AdminServer is not alive.

I called fathom -query and receive Coudn't reach adminserver port.

It's seems, what I must to start these service manually. I wrote  proadsv -start    and AdminServer started and after check fathom -query    and receive anwser  Running.  And localhost:9090 start running! 

It's magic! Thanks a lot for your support! You are survive me.

I spent 2 moons trying to resolve it, read so many documentation and nothing help to me. But you adwives help me and my localhost running. Thanks you!   

Posted by Matt Baker on 15-Nov-2017 12:18

These commands are normally registered as a Windows service and will start when the machine starts.  If you are on unix, they are manual startup, or you can add them to the rc.d scripts. 

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