STOMP heartbeats

Posted by PhilF on 02-Nov-2017 20:31

(Environment:  Progress 11.6, PAS, CentOS 7)

Has anyone implemented heartbeats using the ABL STOMP client?  I could use some advice.

Here's what I know so far: 

Asking the MQ server to send heartbeats is easy -- just add something like


to the CONNECT frame.  And sending heartbeats isn't too bad -- though at the moment I am doing it from the application since I can't think of a good way to do this at the STOMP library level. 

What I am working on now is detecting the heartbeat from the server -- so I can shut down if I don't receive it for a period of time.  I think this should be do-able -- but if not, my work-around is to stuff a dummy message onto the queue every N seconds and then retrieve it.

Uggh.  I can't help but feel that I am going about this the wrong way.  Has anybody else looked at ABL STOMP heartbeats?

There are alternative approaches -- but we need a quick answer first, to buy us time.  Once things are up and running, we will have the luxury to explore other solutions, like using the MQ connection from the AppServer or even installing a local copy of ActiveMQ, and use it as a sort of proxy.


-- Phil Freed

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