I bought some icons from https://www.iconex.com/, but using them out of the box seems not working for me. I am not sure what I do wrong. It gives me the following error:
unable to find image file for BUTTON save_tbeiSession (2289)
DEFINE BUTTON save_tbeiProject
IMAGE-UP FILE "ico\floppy_disk_ok.ico":U
LABEL "Save"
SIZE 7.8 BY 1.95 TOOLTIP "Save (CTRL-S)".
it has size 48x48 with 32 bit depth....
it is within the propath, and should be found....
If I do a search("ico\floppy_disk_ok.ico") I get .\img\ico\floppy_disk_ok.ico, so it is found. I have also tried to change the propath. It is shown in the designer.
Are you using 32-bit or 64-bit 11.7?
I tried it with the icons you provided and it works for me.
Does it work if you hard code the full path of the icon?
Does it work if you use the LOAD-IMAGE method? save_tbeiProject:LOAD-IMAGE("ico\floppy_disk_ok.ico").