Mapped RPC and Output Body

Posted by tomas.kucera on 28-Jun-2017 08:13

Hi there, I am having a method as Mapped RPC REST service.

The mapping is simple, it takes a single query parameter and outputs dataset with a single TT. See the output mapping.

Now when called, the received output is strange.

{"response":{"dsbc_line":{"dsbc_line":{"ttbc_line":[{"id":"","seq":null,"business_case_i ...

Am I missing something, or is the one dsbc_line just obsolete and should not be there?

When it is done via Data Object Mapped RPC, there is always just one level dsXXX.


All Replies

Posted by Steven Peeters on 28-Jun-2017 08:28

Try linking dsbc_line to the body itself instead of linking it as a parameter of the body.

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