11.7 Top Ten Enhancement Requests

Posted by Stefan Drissen on 26-Apr-2017 00:39

From the top ten enhancement requests (www.progress.com/.../whats-new):

  1. OOABL performance improvements
  2. Optional “Strict Compile” mode to help enforce coding standards
  3. VST enhancements to provide additional debugging information
  4. Progress Application Server (PAS) for OpenEdge debugger
  5. OpenEdge Management alerts and threshold monitoring for Progress Application Server (PAS) for OpenEdge
  6. Treat STOP conditions like any other error that can be handled (technical preview)
  7. Support for EMPTY-TEMP-TABLE on a Temp-table handle
  8. Published OpenEdge SQL compliance information to Core SQL:2011
  9. Performance improvements for Progress Developer Studio
  10. Continued operation for WebClient if auto-update fails

I'm fine with this being done as an extremely low hanging syntactic fruit, but to announce this as a top 10 enhancement is worrying.

All Replies

Posted by Patrick Tingen on 26-Apr-2017 11:59

Nah, you don't know how it is implemented in the code of the compiler itself. It may well be that it is a mess of legacy code, being a hell of a job to get it done. And its presence in the top-10 may be more due to the effort it has taken to do it than the relieve it brings to abl developers [H]

Posted by agent_008_nl on 29-Apr-2017 07:54

Psc gave you the kendo ui, you already modernized your ui? And corticon, and oebpm (and whatever). You're still hiding your rules and processes in your own unmaintainable code right? No, psc has given you enough to enhance your applications for many years. A bit more respect and gratefullness please. :-))

 Ok to the funlist this thread. :-)

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