I've learned a lot this week with just 4 or 5 post asking questions about .NET and OO.
I would like to close this week with a last discussion/lesson.
I've learned that the way to recover state fom object, is throug it's class' methods. And this serve to figure out how to think of a class as if it were a persistent procedure, just waiting there and respondig to external events.
My question is as follows....
My class happens to have visual representation (it's a form) and blocking for user input, I have resorted to the following:
1) to pass parameters to the internals of the class, when called the class, included the parameters in the calling. Inside the class, defined PRIVATE VARIABLEs to hold the data passed in, and in the constructor of the class(which is the one who received parameters), simply copying the parameter value into the variables, as these are the ones that the methods inside the class will be able to access.
this is the constructor
CONSTRUCTOR PUBLIC BioLogin ( INPUT pCustNum AS INTEGER, INPUT pDate AS DATE ): SUPER(). InitializeComponent(). THIS-OBJECT:ComponentsCollection:ADD(THIS-OBJECT:components). ASSIGN pCustomerNum = pCustNum pDateOperation = pDate. CATCH e AS Progress.Lang.Error: UNDO, THROW e. END CATCH. END CONSTRUCTOR.
the pCustNum and pDate are then passed to pCustomerNum and pDateOperationto be reachable inside the methods of this class.
2) to get output parameters.... how could inform the calling procedure that this window made an action, or didn't???
These are my current questions about openedge OO
Thanks Marian.. i'll check that!!!
.... scott.... Thanks!... i purchased the book when just came out!!! i'll revisit it!!!
Download my book... it is pretty old, but will answer simple questions www.amduus.com/.../
Thanks Marian.. i'll check that!!!
.... scott.... Thanks!... i purchased the book when just came out!!! i'll revisit it!!!