Fastest way to figure out whether a letter is upper case

Posted by Peter Judge on 06-Jan-2017 13:11

What's the fastest way to figure out whether a given letter is upper-case or not in ABL?

 I want to turn something like OpenEdge.Net.DataObject.DataObjectHandler  into a string like


It has to be as fast as possible so , um, creative code will be considered .

All Replies

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 06-Jan-2017 13:14

I'd expect something like a range check of

ASC(charvar) between ASC("A") to ASC("Z").

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 06-Jan-2017 13:16

Use the COMPARE function

Posted by jquerijero on 06-Jan-2017 13:17

Can you try

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Replace(mySubstring, "[^A-Z]", "").

Posted by Adriano Correa on 06-Jan-2017 13:42


ASSIGN xxx = "Test".

IF xxx = LC(xxx)

   THEN DISP "only lower".

   ELSE DISP "Upper case detected".

Posted by Ken McIntosh on 06-Jan-2017 13:50

DEFINE VARIABLE cString   AS CHARACTER   NO-UNDO INITIAL "OpenEdge.Net.DataObject.DataObjectHandler".





DO iChar = 1 TO LENGTH(cString):

   ASSIGN cChar = SUBSTRING(cString,iChar,1)

          iAsc = ASC(cChar).

   IF (iAsc GT 64 AND iAsc LT 91) OR

      cChar EQ "." THEN

       cFinished = cFinished + cChar.


MESSAGE cFinished


Posted by Tim Kuehn on 06-Jan-2017 13:53

Ken -

For DO ... TO structures like this:

DO iChar = 1 TO LENGTH(cString):

the LENGHT() function would computed on every iteration of the DO loop - you need to put the value in a variable and use that instead.

Posted by Peter Judge on 06-Jan-2017 13:58

I've ended up using ASC(<char>, '1252') < 90. It's decently fast (less than half a millisecond for that test string.

I don't check a lower bound for the ASC values because I expect mostly class/type names in the string, and they can legally have A-Z, 0-9 and #, $, %, and _ characters.

- this takes about 0.052 millseconds per iteration

- Using a CASE ASC() is slower (0.088ms per)

- using a case-senstive variable is almost as fast  (~0.058ms per)

- using COMPARE is a little slower (~0.060 ms per)

- I can't use .NET 'cos this needs to run on Unix too.

Test code

define variable numKeep as integer no-undo.
define variable numChars as integer no-undo.
define variable charLoop as integer no-undo.
define variable numEntries as integer no-undo.
define variable entryLoop as integer no-undo.
define variable singleEntry as character no-undo.
define variable singleChar as character no-undo.
define variable charAsc as integer no-undo.
define variable delim as character no-undo.
define variable typeName as character no-undo.
define variable startTime as integer no-undo.

def var tokenValue as char.  
def var tokenArg as char.
def var i as int.
def var i2 as dec.

startTime = mtime.

assign typeName   = 'OpenEdge.Net.DataObject.DataObjectHandler'
       numEntries = num-entries (typeName, '.':u)
       delim      = '':u
       tokenValue = '':u.
do i = 1 to 1000000:
    tokenvalue = ''.
    delim = ''.
do entryLoop = 1 to numEntries:
    assign singleEntry = entry(entryLoop, typeName, '.':u).

    /* Loop through entire input string */
    assign numChars   = length(singleEntry, 'raw':u)
           tokenValue = tokenValue + delim
    do charLoop = 1 to numChars:
        assign /* ASCII value of character using single byte codepage */
               singleChar = substring(singleEntry, charLoop, 1, 'RAW':u)
               charAsc    = asc(singleChar, '1252':u).

if charAsc le 90 /* Z */
or charAsc eq 95 /* _ */ then
assign tokenValue = tokenValue + singleChar.
end. delim = '.'. end. end. i2 = mtime - startTime. message tokenvalue skip i2 skip i2 / (i - 1) view-as alert-box.

Posted by Mike Fechner on 06-Jan-2017 14:09

[quote user="Tim Kuehn"]

I'd expect something like a range check of

ASC(charvar) between ASC("A") to ASC("Z").


This will not help you in Europe at all!

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 06-Jan-2017 14:25

Well pardon my anglocentrisim. :)

Is code written using an extra-ASCII character set?

Posted by ChUIMonster on 06-Jan-2017 15:02

This may, or may not work with non-English, non-ASCII characters but I kind of like it anyway:

define variable c as character no-undo format "x".

do while true:

  update c.

  display ( chr( asc( c ) + 32 ) = c ).


Posted by Stefan Drissen on 06-Jan-2017 16:36

You do realize that your test code does not meet your requirements? The last entry should be added completely.

do entryLoop = 1 to numEntries:

   assign singleEntry = entry(entryLoop, typeName, '.':u).

   if entryLoop < numEntries then do:

       /* Loop through entire input string */




      tokenvalue = tokenValue + delim + singleEntry.

And obviously the fastest way is to take the work out of the ABL and put it into the AVM and create a custom codepage and then use the codepage-convert function.

Posted by Stefan Drissen on 06-Jan-2017 17:04

You are also cheating by taking the num-entries count outside of the loop - the 'function' requires the count. Here's my version with a quickly cobbled together 'upperonly' codepage. I first tried mapping all non-uppers to 000 - but that just terminated the string, so I put 032 in and replace that afterwards. It is still way faster (on my i7 your code, adjusted to not convert last entry, is taking 0.2305 per iteration, codepage-convert is taking 0.00148 per iteration):

def var typeName as char no-undo.
def var tokenValue as char no-undo. 
def var numEntries as int no-undo.

def var startTime as integer no-undo.
def var ii as int no-undo.
def var i2 as int no-undo.

startTime = mtime.

typeName = 'OpenEdge.Net.DataObject.DataObjectHandler'.

do ii = 1 to 1000000:
      tokenvalue = typeName
      numEntries = num-entries( tokenvalue, "." )
   entry( numEntries, tokenvalue, "." ) = "".
   tokenValue = replace( codepage-convert( tokenvalue, "upperonly" ), " ", "" )
              + entry( numEntries, typeName, "." ).

i2 = mtime - startTime.

   tokenvalue skip
   i2 skip
   i2 / ii
view-as alert-box.

# This contains the data needed to convert from
# iso8859-1 to upper-only encoding.
# This is NOT a full transformation.
TYPE "1"
  /*032-015*/  032 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015
  /*016-031*/  016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031
  /*032-047*/  032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047
  /*048-063*/  048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063
  /*064-079*/  064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079
  /*080-095*/  080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095
  /*096-111*/  032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032
  /*112-127*/  032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032
  /*128-143*/  032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032 032
  /*144-159*/  144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
  /*160-175*/  160 161 162 163 164 165 166 064 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175
  /*176-191*/  176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191
  /*192-207*/  192 193 194 195 091 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207
  /*208-223*/  208 209 210 211 212 213 092 215 216 217 218 219 093 221 222 126
  /*224-239*/  224 225 226 227 123 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239
  /*240-255*/  240 241 242 243 244 245 124 247 248 249 250 251 125 253 254 255

Then add the reference to the upperonly.dat file to convmap.dat at the end:

# Testing
INCLUDE-FILE upperonly.dat

And then compile the codepage with:

proutil -C codepage-compiler convmap.dat convmap2.cp

Start AM with -convmap convmap2.cp

Posted by Peter Judge on 09-Jan-2017 10:10

I don’t have control over the code pages used, so sadly I cannot use your approach.
I was also chatting to our resident codepage expert (Hi Garry!) who reckons that while ASC() is fastest, a case-sensitive variable is most robust (since it’ll work on other codepages too - UTF-8 in particular).
My test for using a case-sensitive variable runs in around 0.059ms per iteration which is good enough, I think/hope.
Well-spotted on the last entry :) In my real code the numEntries – numKeep number of entries are kept as-is (per below in case you care).
define variable numKeep as integer no-undo.
                    define variable numChars as integer no-undo.
                    define variable charLoop as integer no-undo.
                    define variable numEntries as integer no-undo.
                    define variable entryLoop as integer no-undo.
                    define variable singleEntry as character no-undo.
                    define variable newEntry as character no-undo.
                    define variable sensitiveChar as character no-undo case-sensitive.
                    define variable charAsc as integer no-undo.
                    define variable delim as character no-undo.
                    define variable typeName as character no-undo.
                    assign typeName   = trim(entry(1, tokenArg, ':':u))
                           numEntries = num-entries (typeName, '.':u)
                           delim      = '':u
                           tokenValue = '':u.
                    if num-entries(tokenArg, ':':u) gt 1 then
                        assign formatString = trim(entry(2, tokenArg, ':':u)).
                    if formatString eq '':u then
                        assign formatString = '1K':u.
                    assign numKeep = ?
                           numKeep = integer(substring(formatString, 1, 1))
                    if numKeep eq ? then
                        assign numKeep = 1.
                    do entryLoop = 1 to numEntries:
                        assign singleEntry = entry(entryLoop, typeName, '.':u).
                        if entryLoop gt numEntries - numKeep then
                            assign tokenValue = tokenValue
                                              + delim
                                             + singleEntry.
                        case substring(formatString, 2, 1):
                            when 'U':u then
                                assign tokenValue = tokenValue
                                                  + delim
                                                  + caps(substring(singleEntry, 1, 1)).
                            when 'L':u then
                                assign tokenValue = tokenValue
                                                  + delim
                                                  + lc(substring(singleEntry, 1, 1)).
                            when 'C':u then
                                /* Loop through entire input string */
                                assign numChars = length(singleEntry)
                                       newEntry = '':u.
                                do charLoop = 1 to numChars:
                                    assign sensitiveChar = substring(singleEntry, charLoop, 1).
                                    if sensitiveChar eq caps(sensitiveChar) then
                                        assign newEntry = newEntry + sensitiveChar.
                                // if there are no CAPS then use the first char, as-is
                                if newEntry eq '':u then
                                    assign newEntry = substring(singleEntry, 1, 1).
                                assign tokenValue = tokenValue
                                                  + delim
                                                  + newEntry.
                            end.    // CamelCase
                            otherwise   // K
                                assign tokenValue = tokenValue
                                                  + delim
                                                  + substring(singleEntry, 1, 1).
                        end case.
                        assign delim = '.':u.

Posted by Ken Ward on 09-Jan-2017 10:29

This may be too simplistic, but can you user the LC and/or CAPS functions to test it.

if vChar <> LC(vChar) then /* it's uppercase */

I would hope that would take things like code pages, locality, and language into account.

Posted by scott_auge on 09-Jan-2017 12:30

Unfortunately LC() does not work in systems set to case-insensitive.  Give it a try, a

if LC("A") = "A" then message "doesn't work".

will show the error.

When insensitive, it looks like the "if" in C (the base language of the ABL?) is something like:

   char *convertToUpperCase(char *sPtr)


     while(*sPtr != '\0')

       *sPtr = toupper((unsigned char)*sPtr);

      return sPtr;


// Very rudimentary as the parser will be more difficult, just pointing out the VM does this, while the your source does the above

Result = if (strcmp(convertToUpperCase(LeftSideLogicalOperator), convertToUpperCase(RightSideLogicalOperator) ==0) then

1 // Equal


0;  // not equal

IOW, the underlying code will convert to a uniform case before doing the compare since it is case-insensitive.

Posted by egarcia on 09-Jan-2017 12:59


Perhaps, you would need to make the variable case-sensitive.

define variable vChar as character case-sensitive no-undo.

vChar = "A".

/* Test if string is lowercase */

if LC(vChar) = vChar then

   message "Equal".


   message "Not equal".

Posted by Lars Neumeier on 11-Jan-2017 15:46

Peter, I have noticed that you used for every literal the ":u" attribute. Has this attribute a huge performance impact?




  cClassName = "OpenEdge.Net.DataObject.DataObjectHandler"
  iLength    = LENGTH(cClassName)
iCount     = 1 . DO WHILE TRUE: IF iCount >= iLength THEN LEAVE. ASSIGN cBeforeTrim = SUBSTRING(cClassName, iCount) cAfterTrim = LEFT-TRIM(cBeforeTrim, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") iCount = iCount + LENGTH(cBeforeTrim) - LENGTH(cAfterTrim) + 1 cResult = cResult + SUBSTRING(cAfterTrim, 1, 1) . END.
/* cResult = OE.N.DO.DOH - ASSIGN Statement: 12times called 0.000075 avg. per call 0.000006 */

Posted by Mike Fechner on 11-Jan-2017 23:30

I would hope that :U only makes difference at compile time. At runtime that _has_ to be transparent.

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 11-Jan-2017 23:38

:U marks the string as not-translatable - this has the compile time-effect of enabling the compiler to concatenate a series of strings together. Without :U, the string is considered translatable which means it can't be concatenated at compile time.

"string1":U + "string2":U <- concatenated once at compile time

"string1"     + "string2"    <- concatenated at run time each time this line of code is executed

Posted by Mike Fechner on 11-Jan-2017 23:48

That aside, in this thread there are no concatenated strings. But I guess we agree that :U should have no runtime impact on the code samples discussed in this thread.
Von: Tim Kuehn []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2017 06:40
Betreff: RE: [Technical Users - OE Development] Fastest way to figure out whether a letter is upper case
Update from Progress Community

:U marks the string as not-translatable - this has the compile time-effect of enabling the compiler to concatenate a series of strings together. Without :U, the string is considered translatable which means it can't be concatenated at compile time.

"string1":U + "string2":U <- concatenated once at compile time

"string1"     + "string2"    <- concatenated at run time each time this line of code is executed

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