Single Row Select UltraGrid - Leave No Active Row Behind!

Posted by WinningJr on 06-Jan-2017 12:18

I’m surprised I can’t find a discussion on this already (I’m assuming that it is out there and that I am just a terrible searcher).

When trying to make an ultraGrid single select, I noticed that you can get two rows highlighted (one active and one selected) if you hold down the mouse on a row, drag the mouse to another row, and then let go. It looks terrible.

I changed from "single" select to “none”. This appears to work fine, but I have to go after the ActiveRow rather than the “Rows[]” to get values.  Works, but it worries me that I'm doing this.

I tried the following for fun, but it doesn’t completely work:

e:Layout:Override:SelectTypeRow = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.SelectType:Single.   

e:Layout:Override:ActiveAppearancesEnabled = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean:FALSE.

The left behind row (I assume is the active row) lost the highlight, but still has a border around it. I tried setting the AtiveBorder to 0 too.

So….. What is the “correct” way to do it? Am I just being too critical worrying about the drag select?

Posted by jquerijero on 06-Jan-2017 13:11

You are not alone. Solving the problem is a little hackish. Infragistics will not budge on this issue.

All Replies

Posted by jquerijero on 06-Jan-2017 13:11

You are not alone. Solving the problem is a little hackish. Infragistics will not budge on this issue.

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