Load Excel data in Progress Openedge 10.2B

Posted by India Dev on 06-Jan-2017 04:14


I have a requirement to import excel file (csv/xlsx/xls) data into Progress Openegde 10.2B database. Is there any SQL query to do this in one go, similar to mysql query "Load Data Infile"?

Please suggest.

All Replies

Posted by Alon Blich on 06-Jan-2017 05:19

you can read csv files with just a repeat and import statements.

you can easily read xlsx files with the xml parser but there are lots of command line tools like xlsx2csv etc.

to read an xls file you can use a "headless" (no ui) version of openoffice/libreoffice from the command line to convert to csv.


Posted by India Dev on 06-Jan-2017 06:46

Hi Alon,

Thanks for the response.

My application is not using "ABL" code or queries. I have an idea on how to read excel files.

I want to know if there is any SQL command to import the file directly into progress database. Like "load data infile" SQL command in mysql.

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 06-Jan-2017 06:50

There is not.  If you want to know what SQL commands are available then you need to look at the SQL Reference in the documentation.

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