Consuming (Microsoft) wcf-webservices SOAP 1.2

Posted by Stefan Marquardt on 30-Dec-2016 04:31

Consuming an old SOAP webservice (<= 1.1) is very easy with ABL, the wsdl analyzer is easy to use, o.k. still external and VisualStudio has it built-in, but it works without deeper SOAP and webservice knowledge.

But since yesterday I am struggling to consume a SOAP 1.2 wcf-webservice, it does not work out of the box!
Meanwhile, with the help from PSC support and a few tries, many thanks to Donicello, I got a working example but it's a little bit tricky because SOAP headers have to be filled manually with callback functions.

My opinion is that the built-in ABL support for modern webservices seems to be a little bit outdated (11.5.1)

I raised an enhancement request because I think it could be helpful for everybody to get it working in the same easy way it's possible in C#.

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Posted by Stefan Marquardt on 05-Jan-2017 00:18

OpenEdge 11.3 and later support both the SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 standards.

If 11.3 and later supports SOAP 1.2, is the support the possibility to create headers manually?

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