Multi selection list. how to multi select

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 09-Dec-2016 16:21


I just came to this need.   I stored values in a field as a comma separated list, which represent selections of a multiselected list.

How can I show throug a list on a window, which  (or all of them) where selected before (I got this in the db stored list in a char field).

What I mean is:   I have a list of selected values, for instance: "one,two,four,six", and want to show a list, wich in turn has this options: "one,two,three,four,five,six,seven", but want to be preselected the former values... (for now the list is single values).

Thanks id advance.

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 09-Dec-2016 18:19

I was thinking more  on this line of tought

All Replies

Posted by jquerijero on 09-Dec-2016 17:03

You can use UltraCombo or UltraComboEditor. You will want to create a temp-table for the selection list, so you can easily bind it.

For UltraCombo, check this thread

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 09-Dec-2016 18:19

I was thinking more  on this line of tought

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