Error 11678: "REPLACE/CONCAT may not result in data >

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 02-Dec-2016 19:40

One of the star screens (if not the whole reson to be of my pos system) just thrown that error after latest changes.

Acording to the knowledgebase, it is not supposed to occur in PDSOE, but I have 2 windows with that error, but this window simply can't ignore the fact i'm not able to edit it.

I deleted tons of comments and obsolete code that was commented out, and that fixed the problem...(I hope)...

Does still is there a limit like this?


All Replies

Posted by Patrick Tingen on 03-Dec-2016 12:42

It looks like your internal procedures and functions are too long. I have no idea if the limits are still in place. Personally, I hope they are, to force developers to keep their code blocks small.

Really, there is no need to have 1000+ lines procedures or functions. Split them up into smaller parts, let each procedure / function / method do exactly one thing (functionally speaking) and do it in one place only. The result is that you will have lots of internal procedures / functions / methods, but a lot of them will appear to be simple and need next to no maintenance.

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 03-Dec-2016 16:10

I use one purpose procedures... that's not the problem.....  it looks that the problem is the file-system file that stores the procedures and all.  It was considered too big for the editor component, I guess. Other theory I have is, as this two procedures came all the way from v9.0A there should be some kind of misbehavior, or else.  Another teory is that code had one open comment but not closed, but somehow it won't work as comment all the rest of file... as the first program has being broken since too long.  Only way to edit it is in editor mode, not uib design mode...

Any way...


Posted by olivier.dunemann on 05-Dec-2016 04:38

AFAIK, the AppBuilder still stores definitions, triggers, main block, procedures and functions in temp-tables. Therefore the record length limitation of 32KB applies...

4GL/ABL: What is the maximum length of an OpenEdge TEMP-TABLE or Database record?



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