What determines the language used form OpenEdge messages ?

Posted by cverbiest on 01-Dec-2016 02:00

We always install OpenEdge with Dutch, French, German and English internal languages.

English international is the default language.

ABL messages are now shown in Dutch, pretty useless if you want to query the Progress Knowledgebase.

In the past this was in English .

Using ABL.net, error thrown from probindingsource

What determines the language used form OpenEdge messages ?

How can I ensure that ABL messages will be in English, regardless of the OS / .Net language ?

OpenEdge 11.6

All Replies

Posted by Frank Meulblok on 01-Dec-2016 03:41

"What determines the language used for OpenEdge messages ?"

That depends on the promsgs file used.

The default promsgs.dll in %DLC%\bin directory will be a copy of one of the promsgs.* files found under the %DLC%\prolang subdirectory tree.

"How can I ensure that ABL messages will be in English, regardless of the OS / .Net language ?"

Set PROMSGS environment variable to %DLC%\prolang\ame\promsgs.ame.

Posted by George Potemkin on 01-Dec-2016 05:36

> Set PROMSGS environment variable to %DLC%\prolang\ame\promsgs.ame.

Or set PROMSGS (undocumented pseudo-) variable inside ABL session.

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