Oe11.4 Control-frame Error

Posted by Karikalan Ram on 30-Nov-2016 05:55

Hi everyone,

I'm using OE11.4 and receiving below error while running an application. By looking progressKB its something to do with OE11.4 32 bit/64 bit. My system is 64 bit but I afraid I am using OE11.4 32 bit and same configuration does not create any problem to others in my group. could someone clarify/suggest on this?

Error occurred while creating CONTROL-FRAME:CtrlBrowser.
Class not registered
Error code: 0x80040154


Posted by Brian K. Maher on 30-Nov-2016 11:52

That is different than what you reported this morning.
Have you tried opening your command prompt by right clicking and doing the “run as administrator” option then running the regsvr32 prox.dll command?

All Replies

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 30-Nov-2016 06:04

Hi Karikalan,
The error is telling you that you do not have that ActiveX Control installed. 
Since you are using a 64-bit OS it is possible that the control is installed but it is a 64-bit version and that will not work with a 32-bit client.
I suggest that you find out what the ActiveX Control is and install the 32-bit version.  Note: do not install it into \windows\system32 as 64-bit Windows will transparently redirect references to that directory from a 32-bit application over to \windows\SysWOW64.
If you believe you have the ActiveX Control installed, find out if it is installed into \windows\system32 and if so, unregister it using “regsvr32 /u filename” then move the file to \windows\syswow64 and register it again using “regsvr32 filename”.

Posted by Karikalan Ram on 30-Nov-2016 11:26

Thanks Brian, As suggested in prokb link: knowledgebase.progress.com/.../000031023 - I've tried to register prox.dll using regsvr32 but it causes an error and I'm trying to rectify it. The module "prox.dll" was loaded but the call to DLLRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80040200 - http://knowledgebase.progress.com/articles/Article/P98715

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 30-Nov-2016 11:32

I don’t understand why you are referring to that KB article as it applies to 10.2Bxx only and you are using 11.4.

Posted by Karikalan Ram on 30-Nov-2016 11:46

Sorry Brian, I'm getting the same error in 11.4 while opening 11.4 appbuilder and this KB article suggests to re-register prox.dll knowledgebase.progress.com/.../P98715

Receiving 5894 errors when running the AppBuilder

Error occurred while creating/connecting to automation server for: PROX.PROIDE.

Cannot find the module.

Error code: 0x8007007e initialize_uib adeuib/_uibmain.p (5894)

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 30-Nov-2016 11:52

That is different than what you reported this morning.
Have you tried opening your command prompt by right clicking and doing the “run as administrator” option then running the regsvr32 prox.dll command?

Posted by Karikalan Ram on 30-Nov-2016 13:30

Great, missed to run as administrator - by registering prox.dll resolved all  other ocx register issues. - Thanks Brian.

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