Error when loading an image into image widget using a URL

Posted by jamesmc on 29-Jul-2016 04:54

Hi All,

I am trying to load an image into the OpenEdge image widget using a URL as its source.  This works well on a PC/Laptop but fails when trying if the session is a published app from a Citrix host.

When I try and load the image the client throws the below error:

If I log into the Citrix host using a published desktop for the first time I get the dialog box telling me that my environment is being personalised but I don't see this if I launch a published app for the first time so I get a feeling that this might be to do with an incomplete user profile being created when a user launches a published app.

I'm just wondering if the widget hooks into Internet Explorer functionality to download the image and cache it in IE's temporary folders and because of the incomplete profile these folders don't exist for published app users?

OpenEdge 10.2B08 / Windows 2012 R2 / Citrix Xenapp 7.5


Posted by Frank Meulblok on 29-Jul-2016 06:42

No, OpenEdge doesn't rely on IE's temp-folders. The temporary file the message refers to is one that it creates all by itself.

But there's a defect there in that this file is always created in the *working directory*, not the temp directory specified with -T.

That's now known as PSC00349480.

Workaround would be to make sure users have write access to the working directory of the application on the Citrix servers.

If that's not an option for you, I'd suggest opening a support case to investigate other alternatives

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Posted by Frank Meulblok on 29-Jul-2016 06:42

No, OpenEdge doesn't rely on IE's temp-folders. The temporary file the message refers to is one that it creates all by itself.

But there's a defect there in that this file is always created in the *working directory*, not the temp directory specified with -T.

That's now known as PSC00349480.

Workaround would be to make sure users have write access to the working directory of the application on the Citrix servers.

If that's not an option for you, I'd suggest opening a support case to investigate other alternatives

Posted by jamesmc on 29-Jul-2016 07:52

Ah, right.  The working directory is the root of our application.  No one has write access to these folders in live (except the put live process), and only developers have write access in non-live so I may go down the support case route to see if there is an alternative to this then.


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