Multiple Index Selection - FOR FIRST v FOR LAST

Posted by danielb on 04-Jul-2016 22:44

We have just run across a strange issue with regards to multiple index selection, specifically when used within a FOR EACH query, and a join.

For example, given the below query (sports2000):

for each Customer
    where Customer.CustNum ge 10,
each Invoice
    where Invoice.CustNum eq Customer.CustNum
    and Invoice.InvoiceDate eq today
    by Invoice.InvoiceNum

It correctly uses the CustNum and InvoiceDate indices from the Invoice table. 

c:\temp\sports2000.p 1 SEARCH sports2000.Customer CustNum
c:\temp\sports2000.p 1 SEARCH sports2000.Invoice CustNum
c:\temp\sports2000.p 1 SEARCH sports2000.Invoice InvoiceDate
c:\temp\sports2000.p 1 SORT-ACCESS sports2000.Invoice Invoicenum

If I change the 'each Invoice' to a 'first Invoice', both indexes are still correct selected. However, if I change the each Invoice join to last Invoice, the InvoiceDate index is no longer selected for use:

c:\temp\sports2000.p 1 SEARCH sports2000.Customer CustNum
c:\temp\sports2000.p 1 SEARCH sports2000.Invoice CustNum
c:\temp\sports2000.p 1 SORT-ACCESS sports2000.Invoice Invoicenum

It seems that, for some unusual reason, multiple indexes via FOR LAST are not used, and that a FOR LAST gets implemented like a FIND LAST, but a FOR FIRST is implemented as a FOR EACH. I can't see any reference to this behaviour in the index selection documentation.

Is this expected behaviour?

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