Failure to load image for button

Posted by Tony on 20-Apr-2016 19:24

Can anyone please explain how this error happens.

The usr started getting this error recently and we can't determine the source.

Our app builds a menu bar of buttons( with their associated images) for the user to run components of our app.

The weird thing is the user could be working away, then go to a menu bar that had just recently been displayed and get this error!

Thanks in advance,


All Replies

Posted by Garry Hall on 20-Apr-2016 20:27

The -3 in the message means the AVM failed to read the file data. It was able to open the file (using the CreateFile Win32 API), but ReadFile() failed. The diagnostics do not extend to showing what the error from ReadFile was. You might get some help from the MSDN ReadFile doc, but to know what the error was, you might try SysInternals ProcMon on the process. If that is not an option due to the infrequency of occurrence, log a call with Tech Support to get a debug module to display more information.

Posted by Tony on 20-Apr-2016 20:50

Thank you for the info. It's certainly much more than I could find in th KB (none).

From your experience/knowledge and best guess, would you say it is derived from an OS or Progress cause?

Posted by Garry Hall on 20-Apr-2016 21:03

My best guess, without other information, would be a resource shortage, but beyond that I don't know where to look. This is the first time I have seen this error message (it doesn't happen often, if ever, hence no kbases). You don't mention OE version. There was a memory leak addressed in 11.3.3 and 11.4.0 related to images, so if you load a lot of images, that could exhaust memory. I would expect that to present differently, but maybe it is related.

Posted by Tony on 20-Apr-2016 21:15

Mentioning OE would have been useful, 11.5.1 win32.

We've been running this menu bar structure since OE 9. The only difference from an OE perspective between this client and our others is that they also are running OE replication. But then again the user session is on a different server(Citrix terminal farm) to the databases/appserver.

Posted by Garry Hall on 20-Apr-2016 21:55

So the client is on Citrix? That is useful to know. There might be a system-wide resource shortage, rather than just a resource shortage on a personal PC. Replication should have little to do with this. The best advice I could give is to contact TS, and we can address the issue more formally there to get to a resolution.

Posted by Tony on 20-Apr-2016 22:03

Now we're getting somewhere.

I'll pass on info to the IT support for the client and let them have an investigation first. Then if needed I'll log a support case with TS.

Thank you for your help. Much appreciated.


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