Not able to consume a web service 10.2B

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 02-Apr-2016 12:12

Getting error while consuming

While using operation name I am passing input blank and ouput retvar. My .p program is simply returning a output parameter. If I pass only output var in operation name then it is giving error message that the signature is not matching. If I pass input PRGS getting Malformed XML fragment error.

Dont know the exact syntax

All Replies

Posted by Mike Fechner on 02-Apr-2016 12:26

You are trying to consume an ABL WebService from ABL?

What is the output of bprowsdldoc and your Test programm?

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 02-Apr-2016 12:36

yes m trying to consume it from test program is calling a class program, calling one method from the class and taking output

And from the test program i am sending that value as a output for webservice call

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 02-Apr-2016 12:39

Browser output

Posted by Mike Fechner on 02-Apr-2016 13:38

If you are seeking for the ABL syntax, execute the bprowsdldoc tool from the proenv shell.

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 02-Apr-2016 13:56

Generated bprowsdldoc  and used index.htm for the syntax, still m getting the same error message

Posted by jbijker on 04-Apr-2016 00:00

Check the log file of your web services adapter for more clues. It should be set up to run on a specific appserver, that appserver must be running, etc.

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 04-Apr-2016 07:53

Thanks..its working now.

How can I pass temp table as a output instead of variable ?

Any special instructions for using temp table as a output to web service ?

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