I'm consistently doing this to get a dataset from the appserver:
1) define Business Entity.
2) put BE on appserver
3) on client call a .p routine on appserver, wich in turn instantiates BE makes the Readxxx() call to the BE, and that's it.
USING dw.dwTicketD FROM PROPATH. {dw\dwticketd.i} DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER pTicket AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE OUTPUT PARAMETER DATASET FOR dsdwTicketD. DEFINE VARIABLE myTicketD AS dwTicketD NO-UNDO. /* ************* Main Block ************** */ myTicketD = NEW dwTicketD(). myTicketd:ReaddwTicketD(SUBSTITUTE("dwTicket.Ticket = &1", pTicket), OUTPUT dataset dsdwTicketD).
I wonder is this the best practice? Should I instead be calling the class across the web? Is it posible?
Nothing wrong with that I guess, but making a habit of using QUOTER and cleaning up stuff you create (myTicketD) would do you no harm and get you extra points for style.
myTicketD goes out of scope at the end of the procedure, so no cleanup needed.