Adding Field names in the editor.

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 23-Oct-2015 15:20

Ages ago, I could add the 30 fields of a table into editor by <Shift-F10> I N, (and then some more keys I forgot) and had all fields of a table pasted on editor.

Now only way I have found is to select all or some fields in DB Structure pane, and then copy/paste or drag them, but they ended in one row, spaceless, comma delimitedin th eeditor.

The ABL uses comma on parameters only (and one or two more places, I guess) so it's more out of customary the way they are inserted.

Wouldn't it be nicer to have the fields posted as a column of field names?

Is there a way to change behavior?


(preparing to face the strongest huracan in know history here in Mexico)

All Replies

Posted by Garry Hall on 24-Oct-2015 19:45

If I understand correctly, the behaviour you are describing is in the Procedure Editor, and you are looking for the same behaviour in PDSOE. Is this correct? Sorry, I don't know if this functionality exists in PDSOE, the PDSOE folks would have to comment on that.

Posted by Swathi Yellavaram on 26-Oct-2015 01:02


When we select multiple fields in DB structure view and drag and drop in editor, they are displayed with comma separated. I do not see this can be customized. However following way you can get fields with space separated.

Go to Window Preferences -> Expand Progress Databases -> Select DB Navigator

Provide Copy to clipboard - Delimiter field value as Space character

Now select multiple fields in DB structure view, right click and select Copy Name option

Paste in editor and observe fields are displayed with space separated.



Posted by OctavioOlguin on 26-Oct-2015 14:35

It would be very nice if it would be possible to add some CR flag to this behavior...   just thinking aloud....

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