The COLOSSAL_PAIN_IN_MY WebSpeed error from messenger proces

Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 08:36

WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)

where is the patch to fix this ?

Progress 11.3



ASP : Unknown (the installed by default with by Visual Studio update 4)

Do I need change the framework every time I need the the webspeeed server?  

Windows 7 refused  the "add feature"  ASP/ .net/CGI setting

and here is when the game begin repeating the error~: "go and  add the feeeeature" or whatever the message is (dont remember ) , but the feature can't be added, replays window.

I have tried not 64 : 3664 possible bogus solutions and 2 days in google and after all that the progress page saying contact your server administrator.

the error is pretty simple :  

WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)

Msngr: Failed to connect to the specified WebSpeed named service. Verify that the service has been started. Verify the configuration for the service is correct. (5804): Error -65

under OS : Win7 with IIS7 , Progress 11.3, Visual S5tudio community 2013  (4 upgrade) 

that's all


All Replies

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 02-Jul-2015 08:50

A quick search of the knowledgebase shows 64 possible reasons for this error to be generated.
I strongly recommend that you gather whatever information you have (log files, details as to when / with what program(s) it happens, etc) and open a call with Tech Support.
Sincerely, Brian Maher

Posted by Libor Laubacher on 02-Jul-2015 09:00

Ø  where is the patch to fix this ?

In providing some meaningful details of your configuration rather than just stating the final outcome.
That would be a good start.
Otherwise as Brian pointed out, there are plenty of articles on this error in the KB, you can check them one by one and see which one matches your undisclosed configuration.
From: Ramon []
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2015 3:37 PM
Subject: [Technical Users - OE Development] The COLOSSAL_PAIN_IN_MY WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)
Thread created by Ramon

WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)

where is the patch to fix this ?

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Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 09:16

the problem occurs when I want to go here ==> http://localhost/scripts/cgiip.exe/WService=hend/xlogin.w

HTTP 404 error sometimes and sometimes the error is WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)

Msngr: Failed to connect to the specified WebSpeed named service. Verify that the service has been started. Verify the configuration for the service is correct. (5804): Error -65

the operative system is WIN 7 , the progress is the version 11.3 the IIS is version 7

I have stopped working from yesterday , all because of the problem above

Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 09:16

the problem occurs when I want to go here ==> http://localhost/scripts/cgiip.exe/WService=hend/xlogin.w

HTTP 404 error sometimes and sometimes the error is WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)

Msngr: Failed to connect to the specified WebSpeed named service. Verify that the service has been started. Verify the configuration for the service is correct. (5804): Error -65

the operative system is WIN 7 , the progress is the version 11.3 the IIS is version 7

I have stopped working from yesterday , all because of the problem above

Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 09:17

what other meaningful detail? can you say an example please ?

Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 09:25

There is no solution , Progress dind't found any solution to this

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 02-Jul-2015 09:29

Please provide the case number for the support case you raised with Tech Support.

Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 09:33

Can you kindly send the links to get a ticket for this issue , please : your website is very difficult and complex

Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 09:35

Is very difficult to find the place in your web to raise a ticket , where is that ?

Posted by Libor Laubacher on 02-Jul-2015 09:36

> I have stopped working from yesterday , all because of the problem above

So it was working yesterday I take it. What has changed ? (on the OS, on the config ….)

> What other meaningful detail? can you say an example please ?

What is your setup like ? All in one machine, including messenger and the webspeed broker or distributed ? Firewall or antivirus with firewall present ?

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 02-Jul-2015 09:41

If you are logged into the communities site /and/ you have a valid maintenance contract then there should be a button on the thread for you to send the entire thread to support as a new support case.

However, in your previous response you stated "There is no solution , Progress dind't found any solution to this".  This statement is pretty explicit that you have worked with us as some point on this problem.  If you worked with Tech Support then you should have a case number (it gets automatically sent to you via email).  If you didn't work with Tech Support, who did you work with?



Posted by Brian K. Maher on 02-Jul-2015 09:44


>> Is very difficult to find the place in your web to raise a ticket , where is that ?

I recommend going to and clicking on either the light green icon (2nd from the right) which states "Log/Update a Support Request" or the dark green icon (last one on the right) which states "Call Support".



Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 09:49

Answ: Yesterday was the first time I need to get into that link , and found the problem for first time.

Answ: When I state no solution , is because I read your post : refer to you serve administrator if you got this problem , which indicate me that nobody have an idea about this.

In win 7 is not possible add the ASP and .net version that IIS7 is requesting.


Posted by Brian K. Maher on 02-Jul-2015 09:53



>> In win 7 is not possible add the ASP and .net version that IIS7 is requesting.

What are the ASP and .NET versions that IIS7 is requesting?


Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 10:05

I don't know which version is requesting , and that is part of the problem:  my .net framework 4.5.1 is not good and in order to get the webspeed server working I need uninstall this 451 .net framework and install the .net 4.0 or 3.5 , not sure ,l what is sure is the webspeed need and old version of this components , please add to the equation the fact : you can't add features(ASP, CGI, ISAPI , .net )  in WIN7 on this time  because simply : not possible (that's the reason : not possible)  

But then I remember reading the Visual Studio upgrade 4 documentation and found they got by default an ASP components. So once the upgrade 4 was installed , the link work for few seconds , then HTTP 404 again and so on  

now the installation is : fragile  (to use the right term)    

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 02-Jul-2015 10:13

You do not need to uninstall one version of the .NET framework to install others.  The .NET frameworks are designed to be co-installed.  For example, on my Windows 7 64 bit machine I have the following .NET frameworks installed:
- v1.0.3705
- v1.1.4322
- v2.0.50727
- v3.0
- v3.5
- v4.0.30319

Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 10:14

ok Brian,  Trying now....2 mins

Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 10:19

no , they dont fully coexist =  3.5 .net coexist with other versions but V4.0 don't like v4.5 and don't like stay with 4.5.1

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 02-Jul-2015 10:22

4.5 and 4.5.1 include 4.0
From: Ramon []
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 11:20 AM
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - OE Development] The COLOSSAL_PAIN_IN_MY WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)
Reply by Ramon

no , they dont fully coexist =  3.5 .net coexist with other versions but V4.0 don't like v4.5 and don't like stay with 4.5.1

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Posted by Brian K. Maher on 02-Jul-2015 10:24

You /REALLY/ need to open an official support case for this.  I don't do much with webspeed and you aren't providing the full level of error information that we would need to solve this.  It needs to be an official support case so someone can look deeply into what you are doing and what errors you are seeing.

Posted by Muhammad Akbar on 02-Jul-2015 10:27

There should be another error under error 6019, what is that error says?
From: Brian K. Maher []
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 11:24 AM
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - OE Development] The COLOSSAL_PAIN_IN_MY WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)
Reply by Brian K. Maher
4.5 and 4.5.1 include 4.0
From: Ramon []
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 11:20 AM
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - OE Development] The COLOSSAL_PAIN_IN_MY WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)
Reply by Ramon

no , they dont fully coexist =  3.5 .net coexist with other versions but V4.0 don't like v4.5 and don't like stay with 4.5.1

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Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 10:30

HTTP 404

Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 10:31

Sometimes HTTP 404 sometimes  webspeed generic error

Posted by Muhammad Akbar on 02-Jul-2015 10:42

The error 6019 and http 404 are not related to each other. If you get 6019, it meand messenger was able to be spawned on the web server, you should get another error underneath. If you get http 404 is “Not Found” error by web server.
If you run just the following what error do you see. Please provide the complete error in the web page. If you get http 404, you need to look at Progress KB article on how to setup cgi messenger on iis7 and follow the steps.
You can use google to query progress KB article using the following on the google search: <your search strings>
http://<webserver name>/scripts/cgiip.exe
From: Ramon []
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 11:31 AM
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - OE Development] The COLOSSAL_PAIN_IN_MY WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)

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Posted by Ramon on 02-Jul-2015 10:56

is the 5804 error -65

Posted by lecuyer on 02-Jul-2015 12:20

For what it's worth, -65 means "Connection timed out".


HTTP 404 error sometimes and sometimes the error is WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)

Msngr: Failed to connect to the specified WebSpeed named service. Verify that the service has been started. Verify the configuration for the service is correct. (5804): Error -65

Posted by Muhammad Akbar on 02-Jul-2015 12:32

Check to see if your webspeed broker is running or not. How are you using the URL?
From: Ramon []
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 11:57 AM
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - OE Development] The COLOSSAL_PAIN_IN_MY WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)

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Posted by OctavioOlguin on 02-Jul-2015 14:07

And disable antivirus for a minute (are you using karspersky?) and firewall.

Posted by Ramon on 03-Jul-2015 02:58

***/ 3rd day with the problem /**

Today receiving :

WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)

Msngr: Failed to connect to the specified WebSpeed named service. Verify that the service has been started. Verify the configuration for the service is correct. (5804): Error -66

Posted by Ramon on 03-Jul-2015 03:01

webspeed : running

Posted by Ramon on 03-Jul-2015 03:01

still getting error

Posted by Ramon on 03-Jul-2015 03:10

Trying Muhammad Akbar's solution adding the CGI....

Posted by Ramon on 03-Jul-2015 04:11

CGI ISAP selected , yes I can see are there well selected , well present , fiscally there , and still getting error

Posted by Ramon on 03-Jul-2015 06:08

1)  Make sure CGI and ISAPI Extension features of IIS are installed:

 1.Control Panel -> Program and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off

2.Windows Server 2008: The Server Manager window will open. Navigate to Roles -> Web Server(IIS) -> Roles Services \Application Development and confirm that CGI, ISAPI Extensions are listed as status installed.


1.Windows Vista or Windows 7: Expand Internet Information Services -> World Wide Web Services -> Application Development Features and confirm that CGI and ISAPI Extensions are selected.

2)  Create a virtual directory for the WebSpeed Messenger executables:

1.In the IIS Manager Connections tree, expand Sites.

2.Select Default Web Site

3.In the Actions menu (right side), select View Virtual Directories.

4.In the Virtual Directories Actions menu, select Add Virtual Directory...

5.In the Alias: text box, enter any name for the virtual directory (for example "scripts"; it does not have to be the name of the physical directory).

6.In the Physical path: text box, enter the path to the directory where cgiip.exe and/or wsisa.dll are located (for example "c:\inetpub\scripts"). This needs to be set to the directory where the cgiip.exe or wsisa.dll are located based on when you installed the WebSpeed Messenger.  For information on this, see your installd.ini in your OpenEdge installation directory to identify what path you specified during the installation.

3)  Allow cgiip.exe / wsisa.dll to run on IIS:

1.In the IIS Manager Connections tree (left side), click on the server name.

2.In the server Home pane IIS section, select ISAPI and CGI Restrictions

3.In the Actions menu (right side), click Open Feature

4.In the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions pane Actions menu, click Add...

5.Add the full path to and including the file cgiip.exe and/or wsisa.dll and select "Allow extension path to execute".

6.In the IIS Manager Connections tree, expand Sites -> Default Web Site.

7.Select the virtual directory created in step 2 ("scripts" in this example).

8.In the middle panel IIS section (where the directory path name is displayed), select Handler Mappings.

9.In the Actions menu, select Open Feature.

10.In the Handler Mappings pane, right-click on the CGI-exe or ISAPI-dll handler and select Edit Feature Permissions.

11.Select "Execute".

4)  Create a virtual directory for the WebSpeed images and doc:

1.Follow steps 2a through 2d to access the Add Virtual Directory dialog.

2.In the Alias: text box, enter "webspeed" followed by the version number (for example "webspeed102b").

3.In the Physical path: text box, enter <DLC>\webspeed.

5)  When running 32-bit wsisa.dll on 64-bit Windows, follow the procedure in article 000013763, "How to configure 32-bit webspeed messenger on 64-bit IIS 7 on Windows 2008/Vista" .

6)  The virtual directory you created for the Default Web Site in the IIS Manager (example:  scripts) needs to have a group IIS_IUSRS with read and execute permissions.

In the Connections panel, right click the directory name -> Edit Permissions - Security -> Edit (to change permissions).  Select Add.  Then enter IIS_IUSRS and select Check Names to validate that the group exists on the machine.  Then click OK.  

The IIS_IUSRS group must have read, execute, and list permissions on the WebSpeed Messenger scripts directory, and read, execute, list and write permissions on the directory specified in for the messenger log files.  Depending on the directories chosen these permissions may already be set based on the step above.  If missing, then add them.

All this done ... the result:

WebSpeed error from messenger process (6019)

Msngr: Failed to connect to the specified WebSpeed named service. Verify that the service has been started. Verify the configuration for the service is correct. (5804): Error -66

Posted by Ramon on 03-Jul-2015 06:40

Error error error.

Posted by Rom Elwell on 03-Jul-2015 06:44

Ramon, Have you opened a Support Incident with Progress as Brian recommended yesterday?

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