when to use batch editing / a check on cardinality constrain

Posted by agent_008_nl on 25-Jun-2015 12:06




( and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17033025/kendo-grid-batch-editing-making-a-single-call-to-save)

A couple of years ago I built a cardinality check. So if an order can only exist with at least one orderline you cannot add that order without adding at least one orderline. This adds a complication: remove the last orderline and you'll have to ask the user to confirm he wants to remove the order header too. Moreover the batch editing screen is a bit more complicated to use (see above links). Do you see value for batch editing and / or a check on a cardinality? In which cases?

Regards, Stefan.

All Replies

Posted by agent_008_nl on 26-Jun-2015 01:37

For batch editing on itself the value is obvious (allow a user to update much quicker than would be possible using single row updates):



Nobody? Surprises me.

Posted by agent_008_nl on 28-Jun-2015 06:09

Ok, thought it out myself despite the silence. Just talking to myself, never mind. I was rethinking the reasons why I chose to make batchediting possible in a backend framework I wrote a couple of years ago. Had it all in mind before, but trying to make it clear again with some examples.  See for yourself how nice batchediting (so not saving record by

record but committing or cancelling a set of cud actions) can work here:


Of course others found businessneeds for batchediting, being able to do maintenance quicker is one of them:


 Watch the movie in the next link to see an example of a simple data-entry form using batch editing (notice all the nice tricks to make quick entry possible in this ui!):


 A nice extra could be that you can validate cardinalities. Is at least one orderline record and one delivery address required besides the orderheader? You have the create of all these records in one transaction.

Posted by Garry Hall on 28-Jun-2015 22:06

Sorry, I have no answer for your question. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the rest of the community.

Posted by agent_008_nl on 29-Jun-2015 00:22

It is meant more as the opening of a discussion, an exchange of ideas, than as a question. But I can find inspiration elsewhere, never mind.

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