Can not connect to Pacific AppServer (authentication failure

Posted by dziugasj on 27-Apr-2015 09:06

I am using default Tomcat instance from installation: oepas1. Connection string:

AppHandle:connect("-URL http://localhost:8810/ROOT/apsv -sessionModel Session-free").

Error returned: Web Server authenication failure - username, password invalid or not set (9381).

Also have tried using user tomcat, pass tomcat from tomcat-users.xml, but it did not help.

Where are users configured ? Because I have failed to find any other locations.

Posted by dziugasj on 27-Apr-2015 09:40

You are correct! That was very helpful. Nevertheless the error should be more clearer in this case

All Replies

Posted by Irfan on 27-Apr-2015 09:20

You need to change your URL as below

"http://localhost:8810/apsv -sessionModel Session-free"  (No ROOT in the URL)

If you are using an oeabl application other than ROOT, then you need to provide it in the URL. For example if you have deploying an oeabl application with the name "custdata"  then your URL should be

"   http://localhost:8810/custdata/apsv -sessionModel Session-free"

Posted by dziugasj on 27-Apr-2015 09:40

You are correct! That was very helpful. Nevertheless the error should be more clearer in this case

Posted by Irfan on 27-Apr-2015 10:20

Thank you. It is been taken care in the latest service pack (11.5.1).

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