Is there a way to tune up the timeout on CONNECT() to appser

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 09-Feb-2015 18:01

I checked OE AppServer Admin handbook, but there is no way, as far as I can see to change the timeout. Just ServerASK.

Currently I have users staring to shadowed windows and a spinning cursor for more than 2 or 3 mins...

Is there anyway I can change this to make some decisions right away, besides to run asynchronous? (Which I'm not ready to program right now)

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Posted by Irfan on 10-Feb-2015 02:35

I am not sure if it fits your use-case, but we have ASK protocol for Client and Client Connection Timeout.

Client ASK -  ability for Client to  recognize the failure of a remote AppServer

Client Connection Timeout -  Ability for Client to timeout from long executing requests

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 10-Feb-2015 17:52

Let me try I'll post results..


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