Rest webservice - input parameter is ?

Posted by gdb390 on 18-Sep-2014 10:54


I have a test procedure Test.p.

When I test the rest service with a rest client, the value of ipcParamIn is always ? 

what am I doing wrong ?


All Replies

Posted by Dileep Dasa on 18-Sep-2014 13:19

How did you map ipcParamIn?

Posted by gdb390 on 18-Sep-2014 13:32

I mapped it to the body of the request

Posted by gdb390 on 22-Sep-2014 08:45

If you look close, you will see that it is not mapped to body.  I had to map it a level higher !

Posted by Roger Blanchard on 19-Dec-2014 09:24


What do you mean you had to map it to a level higher? I have the same issue and I dropped my interface parameters to [Drag a parameter here] under the body. My parameters are all ?.

Posted by Roger Blanchard on 19-Dec-2014 09:28

I guess it helps if you include "request" in the payload. This works just fine.

{"request" : {"pcDeploymentId" : "123456", "pcMachineName" : "ROGER-PC", "pcSerialNumber" : "1234567890", "pcAppName" : "UnifyPOS", "pcVersionNum" : "11.4.96"} }

Posted by RWEBSTER on 19-Dec-2014 11:30

Yep, if you map parameters to the nodes *below* the body, then you need to wrap them in an object named "request":

Posted by knavneet on 20-Dec-2014 08:29

Just to add, if you do a similar mapping on output side, the result will be wrapped inside a “response” node.
You typically  map input parameters to nodes in http body when you want to send multiple parameters through the http (request) body. Similarly, on output side, when you want to receive multiple output parameters in the http response body, you would map output parameters to nodes in the http body (instead of mapping directly to the body).
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 11:00 PM
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - OE Development] Rest webservice - input parameter is ?

Yep, if you map parameters to the nodes *below* the body, then you need to wrap them in an object named "request":

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