joining 2 virtual tables runs forever or at least a very lon

Posted by scottemick on 24-Jul-2014 09:49

, R.Name Region
, E.EntityID
, E.Name Location
, Netsales
, Year(dt_StartBusDate) Period
, DayOfWeek(dt_StartBusDate) DOW
FROM PUB.Entity E 
INNER JOIN PUB.eDB_MajorGroupTotals T  ON E.EntityID = T.EntityID
INNER JOIN PUB.Region R  ON E.RegionID = R.RegionID
WHERE dt_StartBusDate BETWEEN '07-20-14' AND '07-26-14' ) T1
INNER JOIN T1.RegionId = T2.RegionId AND T1.EntityId = T2.EntityId AND T1.DOW=T2.DOW
, R.Name Region
, E.EntityID
, E.Name Location
, Netsales
, Year(dt_StartBusDate) Period
, DayOfWeek(dt_StartBusDate) DOW
FROM PUB.Entity E 
INNER JOIN PUB.eDB_MajorGroupTotals T ON E.EntityID = T.EntityID
INNER JOIN PUB.Region R ON E.RegionID = R.RegionID
WHERE dt_StartBusDate BETWEEN '07-19-13' AND '07-25-13' ) T2

Each of the two selects runs quickly and returns in a few sconds.  Each returns < 1,000 rows.  So what does progress just sit and spin forever when I try to join the two together?

All Replies

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 24-Jul-2014 09:57

I suggest searching the online kbase using "sql query plan" as the search string.  It will return articles you can use to help determine the source of the problem.
From: scottemick []
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 10:50 AM
Subject: [Technical Users - OE Development] joining 2 virtual tables runs forever or at least a very long time
joining 2 virtual tables runs forever or at least a very long time
Thread created by scottemick
, R.Name Region
, E.EntityID
, E.Name Location
, Netsales
, Year(dt_StartBusDate) Period
, DayOfWeek(dt_StartBusDate) DOW
FROM PUB.Entity E 
INNER JOIN PUB.eDB_MajorGroupTotals T  ON E.EntityID = T.EntityID
INNER JOIN PUB.Region R  ON E.RegionID = R.RegionID
WHERE dt_StartBusDate BETWEEN '07-20-14' AND '07-26-14' ) T1
INNER JOIN T1.RegionId = T2.RegionId AND T1.EntityId = T2.EntityId AND T1.DOW=T2.DOW
, R.Name Region
, E.EntityID
, E.Name Location
, Netsales
, Year(dt_StartBusDate) Period
, DayOfWeek(dt_StartBusDate) DOW
FROM PUB.Entity E 
INNER JOIN PUB.eDB_MajorGroupTotals T ON E.EntityID = T.EntityID
INNER JOIN PUB.Region R ON E.RegionID = R.RegionID
WHERE dt_StartBusDate BETWEEN '07-19-13' AND '07-25-13' ) T2

Each of the two selects runs quickly and returns in a few sconds.  Each returns < 1,000 rows.  So what does progress just sit and spin forever when I try to join the two together?

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Posted by scottemick on 24-Jul-2014 12:30

I used 

select "_Pnumber", substring("_Description", 1, 80)
from pub."_Sql_Qplan";

It shows me a plan.

12	PROJECT [44] (
12	|   PROJECT [43] distinct (
12	|   |   JOIN [38][NESTED_LOOP-JOIN](
12	|   |   |   PROJECT [28] [ INTO TMPTBL00000006 ] ERR-ON-MULTI (
12	|   |   |   |   PROJECT [27] (
12	|   |   |   |   |   RESTRICT [13] (
12	|   |   |   |   |   |   PROJECT [25] (
12	|   |   |   |   |   |   |   PUB._Sql_Qplan. [9](
12	|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   TABLE SCAN
12	|   |   |   |   |   |   |   )
12	|   |   |   |   |   |   , PUB._Sql_Qplan._Pnumber
12	|   |   |   |   |   |   , PUB._Sql_Qplan._Ptype
12	|   |   |   |   |   |   )
12	|   |   |   |   |   
12	|   |   |   |   |   |   (PEXPR2) > (0)
12	|   |   |   |   |   )
12	|   |   |   |   , max (PEXPR1) 
12	|   |   |   |   )
12	|   |   |   , PEXPR1
12	|   |   |   )
12	|   |   ,
12	|   |   |    <no join operator exists> 
12	|   |   ,
12	|   |   |   (PEXPR1) = (PEXPR2)
12	|   |   ,
12	|   |   |   PROJECT [36] (
12	|   |   |   |   PUB._Sql_Qplan. [5](
12	|   |   |   |   |   TABLE SCAN
12	|   |   |   |   )
12	|   |   |   , PUB._Sql_Qplan._Pnumber
12	|   |   |   , PUB._Sql_Qplan._Description
12	|   |   |   , PUB._Sql_Qplan.rowid
12	|   |   |   )
12	|   |   )
12	|   , PEXPR2
12	|   , PEXPR3
12	|   , PEXPR4
12	|   )
12	, PEXPR1
12	, substring (PEXPR2,1,80)
12	)

If I run one of the two subqueries for the virtual tables I get this:

16	PROJECT [62] (
16	|   |   [RHS-SORTED(-ASC-DUPS)  ](
16	|   |   JOIN [70][AUG_NESTED_LOOP-JOIN]
16	|   |   |   [RHS-SORTED(-ASC-DUPS)  ](
16	|   |   |   RESTRICT [30] (
16	|   |   |   |   PROJECT [56] (
16	|   |   |   |   |   PUB.T. [10](
16	|   |   |   |   |   |   TABLE SCAN
16	|   |   |   |   |   )
16	|   |   |   |   , PUB.T.NetSales
16	|   |   |   |   , PUB.T.dt_StartBusDate
16	|   |   |   |   , PUB.T.EntityID
16	|   |   |   |   , PUB.T.rowid
16	|   |   |   |   )
16	|   |   |   
16	|   |   |   |   (PEXPR2) between (07-20-14,07-26-14)
16	|   |   |   |   Evaluation callback list(
16	|   |   |   |   |        col id#  18  
16	|   |   |   |   )
16	|   |   |   )
16	|   |   ,
16	|   |   |   (PEXPR3) = (PEXPR5)
16	|   |   |   -- above defines ANL  left side keys <relop> right side keys.
16	|   |   ,
16	|   |   |   PROJECT [51] (
16	|   |   |   |   PUB.E. [9](
16	|   |   |   |   |   INDEX SCAN OF (
16	|   |   |   |   |   |   i-EntityID,
16	|   |   |   |   |   |   |   (PUB.E.EntityID) = (null))
16	|   |   |   |   )
16	|   |   |   , PUB.E.EntityID
16	|   |   |   , PUB.E.Name
16	|   |   |   , PUB.E.RegionID
16	|   |   |   , PUB.E.rowid
16	|   |   |   )
16	|   |   )
16	|   ,
16	|   |   (PEXPR7) = (PEXPR9)
16	|   |   -- above defines ANL  left side keys <relop> right side keys.
16	|   ,
16	|   |   PROJECT [60] (
16	|   |   |   PUB.R. [16](
16	|   |   |   |   INDEX SCAN OF (
16	|   |   |   |   |   RegionID,
16	|   |   |   |   |   |   (PUB.R.RegionID) = (null))
16	|   |   |   )
16	|   |   , PUB.R.RegionID
16	|   |   , PUB.R.Name
16	|   |   , PUB.R.rowid
16	|   |   )
16	|   )
16	, PEXPR9
16	, PEXPR10
16	, PEXPR5
16	, PEXPR6
16	, PEXPR1
16	, year (PEXPR2)
16	, dayofweek (PEXPR2)
16	)

For the subquery it appears that the where cause with the date range is causing a table scan, but the EntityId and RegionId are using index scans.  I could try to put an index on the date, maybe I'll do that.  But that still doesn't tell me why two subqieries that only take a few seconds two return < 1,000 rows each can't be downloaded to temp tables and joined on integer keys in a small amount of time.  I let the query run for giggles for 4 hours, it never completed.  I have the NOLOCK statement so the whole thing shouldn't be locking....It is just strange to me.

Posted by scottemick on 24-Jul-2014 14:27

Ok I figured it out...I had to head on over to SQL Server Management Studio and try it against linked tables where I noticed my syntax was wrong.  Now I have fixed it.  Interesting how Progress just runs forever without giving an error.  Below is the corrected query:

, R.Name Region
, E.EntityID
, E.Name Location
, Netsales
, Year(dt_StartBusDate) Period
, DayOfWeek(dt_StartBusDate) DOW
FROM PUB.Entity E 
INNER JOIN PUB.eDB_MajorGroupTotals T  ON E.EntityID = T.EntityID
INNER JOIN PUB.Region R  ON E.RegionID = R.RegionID
WHERE dt_StartBusDate BETWEEN '07-20-14' AND '07-26-14' ) T1
, R.Name Region
, E.EntityID
, E.Name Location
, Netsales
, Year(dt_StartBusDate) Period
, DayOfWeek(dt_StartBusDate) DOW
FROM PUB.Entity E 
INNER JOIN PUB.eDB_MajorGroupTotals T ON E.EntityID = T.EntityID
INNER JOIN PUB.Region R ON E.RegionID = R.RegionID
WHERE dt_StartBusDate BETWEEN '07-19-13' AND '07-25-13' )  T2
ON T1.RegionID = T2.RegionId AND T1.EntityId = T2.EntityId AND T1.DOW=T2.DOW

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 24-Jul-2014 16:19

A demonstration that legal <> sensible when it comes to syntax?

Posted by scottemick on 24-Jul-2014 16:47

I'm kind of stuck with grabbing the data that way, SSRS sucks.

Posted by scottemick on 24-Jul-2014 17:26

Were I forced to do this in SQL Server, I'd use common table expressions....But the above is as elegant as I could get with ODBC & My limited knowledge of openedge progress.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 24-Jul-2014 17:58

It works and provides reasonable performance ... with SQL, that is victory! :)

With ABL, you could be more elegant ... but ...

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 25-Jul-2014 06:11

Before adding the index try inserting the {NOREORDER} phrase
From: scottemick []
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 1:31 PM
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - OE Development] joining 2 virtual tables runs forever or at least a very long time
RE: joining 2 virtual tables runs forever or at least a very long time
Reply by scottemick

I used 

select "_Pnumber", substring("_Description", 1, 80)
from pub."_Sql_Qplan";

It shows me a plan.

12      PROJECT [44] (
12      |   PROJECT [43] distinct (
12      |   |   JOIN [38][NESTED_LOOP-JOIN](
12      |   |   |   PROJECT [28] [ INTO TMPTBL00000006 ] ERR-ON-MULTI (
12      |   |   |   |   PROJECT [27] (
12      |   |   |   |   |   RESTRICT [13] (
12      |   |   |   |   |   |   PROJECT [25] (
12      |   |   |   |   |   |   |   PUB._Sql_Qplan. [9](
12      |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   TABLE SCAN
12      |   |   |   |   |   |   |   )
12      |   |   |   |   |   |   , PUB._Sql_Qplan._Pnumber
12      |   |   |   |   |   |   , PUB._Sql_Qplan._Ptype
12      |   |   |   |   |   |   )
12      |   |   |   |   |   
12      |   |   |   |   |   |   (PEXPR2) > (0)
12      |   |   |   |   |   )
12      |   |   |   |   , max (PEXPR1) 
12      |   |   |   |   )
12      |   |   |   , PEXPR1
12      |   |   |   )
12      |   |   ,
12      |   |   |    <no join operator exists> 
12      |   |   ,
12      |   |   |   (PEXPR1) = (PEXPR2)
12      |   |   ,
12      |   |   |   PROJECT [36] (
12      |   |   |   |   PUB._Sql_Qplan. [5](
12      |   |   |   |   |   TABLE SCAN
12      |   |   |   |   )
12      |   |   |   , PUB._Sql_Qplan._Pnumber
12      |   |   |   , PUB._Sql_Qplan._Description
12      |   |   |   , PUB._Sql_Qplan.rowid
12      |   |   |   )
12      |   |   )
12      |   , PEXPR2
12      |   , PEXPR3
12      |   , PEXPR4
12      |   )
12      , PEXPR1
12      , substring (PEXPR2,1,80)
12      )

If I run one of the two subqueries for the virtual tables I get this:

16      PROJECT [62] (
16      |   JOIN [71][AUG_NESTED_LOOP-JOIN]
16      |   |   [RHS-SORTED(-ASC-DUPS)  ](
16      |   |   JOIN [70][AUG_NESTED_LOOP-JOIN]
16      |   |   |   [RHS-SORTED(-ASC-DUPS)  ](
16      |   |   |   RESTRICT [30] (
16      |   |   |   |   PROJECT [56] (
16      |   |   |   |   |   PUB.T. [10](
16      |   |   |   |   |   |   TABLE SCAN
16      |   |   |   |   |   )
16      |   |   |   |   , PUB.T.NetSales
16      |   |   |   |   , PUB.T.dt_StartBusDate
16      |   |   |   |   , PUB.T.EntityID
16      |   |   |   |   , PUB.T.rowid
16      |   |   |   |   )
16      |   |   |   
16      |   |   |   |   (PEXPR2) between (07-20-14,07-26-14)
16      |   |   |   |   Evaluation callback list(
16      |   |   |   |   |        col id#  18  
16      |   |   |   |   )
16      |   |   |   )
16      |   |   ,
16      |   |   |   (PEXPR3) = (PEXPR5)
16      |   |   |   -- above defines ANL  left side keys <relop> right side keys.
16      |   |   ,
16      |   |   |   PROJECT [51] (
16      |   |   |   |   PUB.E. [9](
16      |   |   |   |   |   INDEX SCAN OF (
16      |   |   |   |   |   |   i-EntityID,
16      |   |   |   |   |   |   |   (PUB.E.EntityID) = (null))
16      |   |   |   |   )
16      |   |   |   , PUB.E.EntityID
16      |   |   |   , PUB.E.Name
16      |   |   |   , PUB.E.RegionID
16      |   |   |   , PUB.E.rowid
16      |   |   |   )
16      |   |   )
16      |   ,
16      |   |   (PEXPR7) = (PEXPR9)
16      |   |   -- above defines ANL  left side keys <relop> right side keys.
16      |   ,
16      |   |   PROJECT [60] (
16      |   |   |   PUB.R. [16](
16      |   |   |   |   INDEX SCAN OF (
16      |   |   |   |   |   RegionID,
16      |   |   |   |   |   |   (PUB.R.RegionID) = (null))
16      |   |   |   )
16      |   |   , PUB.R.RegionID
16      |   |   , PUB.R.Name
16      |   |   , PUB.R.rowid
16      |   |   )
16      |   )
16      , PEXPR9
16      , PEXPR10
16      , PEXPR5
16      , PEXPR6
16      , PEXPR1
16      , year (PEXPR2)
16      , dayofweek (PEXPR2)
16      )

For the subquery it appears that the where cause with the date range is causing a table scan, but the EntityId and RegionId are using index scans.  I could try to put an index on the date, maybe I'll do that.  But that still doesn't tell me why two subqieries that only take a few seconds two return < 1,000 rows each can't be downloaded to temp tables and joined on integer keys in a small amount of time.  I let the query run for giggles for 4 hours, it never completed.  I have the NOLOCK statement so the whole thing shouldn't be locking....It is just strange to me.

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