How to perform "CTRL-END" on a infragistic UltraGr

Posted by Damien 3D on 30-Apr-2014 01:38

Hi, I have a Grid with more than 30 000 rows so I set the MaxDataGuess to 50 to have better performance. when I use page down or down Arrow, it work well, and refresh the grid. But when I use the CTRL-END key, it don't go to the last row I Want to make my Grid work like the 'old' Progress Browse. Anyone can help me ? Thanks Damien

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Posted by Mike Fechner on 30-Apr-2014 06:08

I doubt that using a DB Query you will achieve satisfying performance. You only can detect CTRL-END from a KeyDown event handler, set MaxDataGuess to zero and wait for 30.000 records to be loaded from the DB to the Grid. Slow..

We have implemented FetchLast in our OERA framework (ProDataset based). FetchLast is trivial then with Temp-Tables or ProDatasets, but then you have to teach the Grid, the BindingSource and the ProDataset the OffHome event. That was a challenge on it's own.

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