How to send windows print job with owner <> os user, o

Posted by cverbiest on 26-Mar-2014 05:00


This question may be a bit off-topic but I need this in a Progress OpenEdge batch process.

Our customer wants to use a Ricoh Flexiprint solution that makes certain decisions based on the owner of the print job.

Our printing is done in a background prowin32.exe batch process, and all print jobs have the user of that process as owner. Currently printing is done by creating a pdf document and then we launch foxit reader to send it to a printer.

Is there a way that we could impersonate a different os user at the moment we print the document so that the owner of the print job would be the original os user that requested the print job.

Is there a different way to change the owner of a print job ?

Any other ideas ?

All Replies

Posted by Michael Jacobs on 26-Mar-2014 06:00

Windows has a number of ways for a process to impersonate another user account and execute [a sub-process] as that user.   The caveat is that all of ways I know of require the caller to know the user account's password.   To my knowledge the Windows security system does not have the UNIX equivalent of 'su' where you can impersonate any user account without knowing the account's password if you are a privileged user.   Perhaps someone else knows a way to trick the Windows security system into impersonating without knowing the user account password.  

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