longcharacter data type

Posted by ujj1 on 24-Mar-2014 10:54

Sometimes I wish that there was only one character datatype and not two datatypes; char for strings less than 32k and longchar for strings larger than 32k.

What if we entertain the idea of getting rid of longchar and making character handle large strings.  What would that look like? 

Or maybe we should boycott character variables for all new development.  Is there a performance issue of simply defining long chars instead of chars even though they will only hold a few bytes? 

All Replies

Posted by Peter Judge on 24-Mar-2014 11:04

> Or maybe we should boycott character variables for all new development.  Is there a performance issue of simply defining
> long chars instead of chars even though they will only hold a few bytes? 

I think this is a reasonable approach – I tend to do the same. I have not measured performance.

-- peter

From: ujj1 [mailto:bounce-ujj1@community.progress.com]
Sent: Monday, 24 March, 2014 11:55
To: TU.OE.Development@community.progress.com
Subject: longcharacter data type
Thread created by ujj1

Sometimes I wish that there was only one character datatype and not two datatypes; char for strings less than 32k and longchar for strings larger than 32k.

What if we entertain the idea of getting rid of longchar and making character handle large strings.  What would that look like? 

Or maybe we should boycott character variables for all new development.  Is there a performance issue of simply defining long chars instead of chars even though they will only hold a few bytes? 

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Posted by Mike Fechner on 24-Mar-2014 11:09

One challenge with pure usage of LONGCHAR is when it comes to database key fields.
When I know, the value stays clearly below 32k I keep using CHARACTER, like for GUID’s etc.

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 24-Mar-2014 11:13

So, longchar is not legal in an index?  What other limitations are there on longchar compared to character?

Posted by Mike Fechner on 24-Mar-2014 11:18

CLOB, as we call it in a table, cannot be used in indexes.

Posted by Matt Baker on 24-Mar-2014 11:40

Index entries have a size limit.  So even very large strings cannot be used in an index anyway.  So using longchar in an index doesn't really make sense beyond the nice-to-have of a single data type supporting any length string.

Posted by gus on 24-Mar-2014 11:41

off the top of my head, differences of longchar are:

- corresponding database column type is "CLOB".

- cant be used in a database index

- cant be word-indexed

- size is limited 1 gigabyte

- you can set the code page of individual longchar variables

- they export and import differently than char

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 24-Mar-2014 11:42

So, non-trivial to unify.

Posted by gus on 24-Mar-2014 11:48

perhaps. when we added longchar in version 9.something, the intent was that as much as possible, programming with longchar should be no different than programming with char.

Posted by Peter Judge on 24-Mar-2014 11:50

> - size is limited 1 gigabyte

Just to clarify: CLOB is size-limited. LONGCHAR is not.

-- peter

From: gus [mailto:bounce-gus@community.progress.com]
Sent: Monday, 24 March, 2014 12:42
To: TU.OE.Development@community.progress.com
Subject: RE: longcharacter data type
Reply by gus

off the top of my head, differences of longchar are:

- corresponding database column type is "CLOB".

- cant be used in a database index

- cant be word-indexed

- size is limited 1 gigabyte

- you can set the code page of individual longchar variables

- they export and import differently than char

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Posted by ujj1 on 24-Mar-2014 12:29

Good discussion and points about the database and Matt Baker's comment.  

For the purpose of this dicussion, let's exclude the database concern since even with character variables and key field lengths, a developer will need to handle assigning large strings to an indexed character field.  

The DB field datatype for large strings would be clobs.  The DB field datatype for 32KB strings would be character of which one would need to ensure assignments would respect index limits (188 bytes or 1024 bytes depending on whether large indexes are set I think).

From strictly an ABL standpoint, I think the biggest concerns would be performance and built-in ABL statement/function support.  I think most ABL functions support longchar but there are some limitations.

A simple example is:

       define variable myLongChar as longchar no-undo init 'abc'.

       message myLongChar

           view-as alert-box.

This will error because longchars aren't supported in input/output operations.

Posted by Fernando Souza on 25-Mar-2014 09:17

Note that the DEFINE statement is more strict for LONGCHAR variables (like no FORMAT allowed, strict VIEW-AS support), there are automatic conversions that the ABL perform for char types which are not allowed for longchars.

Also note that the internal storage for character and longchar variables is different and some operations have the potential of being slower for longchars, for example, assignments. How much will depend on how assignment-intensive the specific code is. The other difference is that longchar variables (like memptrs) are always NO-UNDO, so if some ABL code that uses variables of data type CHAR rely on the undo behavior, that will not work if you change them to longchars.

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