I have an UltraGrid with 15 rows. You can see about 5 rows on the screen.
It is attached to a bindingsource, which is attached to a query on a temp-table. By default the first row (record) is selected using a GET-FIRST().
This is how I initialize the binding source:
/* populate the temp-table, then... */
DATASET dsRecords:HANDLE:TOP-NAV-QUERY():QUERY-PREPARE("preselect each ttRecords no-lock").
bindingsource:HANDLE = DATASET dsRecords:HANDLE:TOP-NAV-QUERY.
The user types a number into a box and the leave event fires a reload method that repositions the query based on the entered data. This method also does a lot of other work after.
Here is the code, assume no error checking:
FIND FIRST ttRecords NO-LOCK WHERE ttRecords.id = vUsersValue NO-ERROR.
/* now do another half second of processing, loading usercontrols, etc etc */
When the record I am repositioning to is visible on screen, no issue, the record is selected instantly.
When the record is NOT visible on screen, there is about a 1 second delay before the ultragrid repositions itself and displays the selected record. In that time, the rest of the code has carried on and loads in normal time.
I can type the value, hit tab, wait .5 seconds and the entire screen is loaded, then wait another .5 seconds and the ultragrid will be updated.
Also, you will see I am trying to stop the afterrowactivate from firing on this reposition command. It always fires.
How can I minimize the delay?
How I can make progress wait for the update to the ultragrid before executing the subscribe?
Thank you in advance!!
Here's a solution that works with sorting:
ultragrid:Rows:GetRowWithListIndex(bindingsource:Position):Activate() NO-ERROR.
Found this in my PEG archive:
grid:Rows[<binding>:Position]:Activate ()
Fixes both of my issues.
Why do I need this line? What is causing the delay?
Here's a solution that works with sorting:
ultragrid:Rows:GetRowWithListIndex(bindingsource:Position):Activate() NO-ERROR.