Openedge 11.3 .net datagrid

Posted by Paul Radbone on 05-Mar-2014 03:29


I am trialling the .net datagrid for openedge.  I have bound a datagrid to a probindingsource and i can refresh the data by re opening the query.

My question is; is it possible to update the data value of a single cell in the datagrid without it being bound to a datasource?

Also can I change the colour of a single cell in the datagrid at runtime?



All Replies

Posted by Peter Judge on 05-Mar-2014 15:57

The colour question depends on exactly which grid you use. If you're using the WinGrid (the UltraControls) this is almost vertainly possible. If you're using the Microsoft data grid, it may not be (the MS controls are less rich than the UltraControls).
As for

>My question is; is it possible to update the data value of a single cell in the datagrid without it being bound to a datasource?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean. It is possible to create columns in grids that are not bound to a datasource. If you want to update a cell value in a column that /is/ bound to a datasource, then I'm not so sure whether it's possible (since the whole intent of the binding is to manage the transfer of dagta from screen to datasource/temp-table) or whether it's worth the effort.
-- peter
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, 05 March, 2014 04:30
Subject: Openedge 11.3 .net datagrid
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I am trialling the .net datagrid for openedge.  I have bound a datagrid to a probindingsource and i can refresh the data by re opening the query.

My question is; is it possible to update the data value of a single cell in the datagrid without it being bound to a datasource?

Also can I change the colour of a single cell in the datagrid at runtime?



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Posted by Mike Fechner on 05-Mar-2014 23:37

Like Peter said, it all depends on the exact Grid Control you are using.

When using the UltraGrid, you may be looking for this here:

Both features of the UltraGrid require an UltraCalcManager instance on the Form.

An alterantive may be to subscribe to the InitilaizeRow event of the Grid and modify cell values and appearances there. That may gibe you more control - but usually has higher performance cost.

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