I have the following problem with the OpenEdge Debugger, see picture:
In startup.pf we have defined 1251 character set:
-cpinternal 1251
-cpstream 1251
-cpcoll Russian
-cpcase Basic
How to set the correct character set for the correct display russian characters in the OpenEdge Debugger?
I will be grateful for any help.
Hi Valery, I believe the debugger expects the compile listing in UTF-8, and unfortunately this can't be changed. I could get this to work by using
-cpinternal 1251 -cpstream UTF-8
to create the UTF-8 source file, and then debugging it with:
-cpinternal UTF-8 -cpstream UTF-8
But I wouldn't suggest this is a solution. I haven't tested it, but I believe the Developer Studio debugger does this correctly if started with the correct code page settings.
[mention:e212de63058742feaea9dcd68d904754:e9ed411860ed4f2ba0265705b8793d05], I think a question related to the OE Debugger is more relevant in the OE Development forum than OE RDBMS.. Do you agree? if so then I'll move it.
Thank you, Paul!
I will check this solution.
Hi Jean!
Of course I agree.