At the very least, please log a bug for the message-withough-a-number. What does the stack trace say?
-- peter
Appears to be a bug.
Tenant names, along with user names, have to be compatible with the pattern matching of can-do so all the character used for that are excluded. the at sign "@" is used as a separator between used name and domain name so is also excluded. The period is NOT excluded by those requirements. With just a cursory investigation, seems to me that a period /should/ be allowed in a tenant name. But i could be mistaken.
"the ampersand is used as a separator between used name and domain name"
ummm, ampersand "&" , or do you mean at "@" ? ;)
"Klammeraffe" is what he meant.
(or @ in English)
yes, i did mean the at sign "@". obviously a brain defect caused me to say ampersand.