dala-relation and protected

Posted by jmls on 25-Nov-2013 01:51

so, people ask me why I don't like datasets .. well .. could someone explain this:

given this class:

using Progress.Lang.*.

class datasetA:
def protected temp-table ActvtyData no-undo
namespace-uri "ActivityData"
field schemaVersion as decimal
xml-node-type "ATTRIBUTE" .

def protected temp-table MsgHdr no-undo
namespace-uri ""
field MsgTp as character
field FlNm as character
field ActvtyData_id as recid
xml-node-type "HIDDEN" .

define protected dataset ActvtyDataDset namespace-uri "ActivityData"
xml-node-type "HIDDEN"
for ActvtyData, MsgHdr
parent-id-relation relation1 for ActvtyData, MsgHdr
parent-id-field ActvtyData_id.

end class.

and this class:

using Progress.Lang.*.

class datasetB inherits datasetA:
end class.

A) classA compiles with no problem

B) classB fails to compile with the error RELATION-FIELDS phrase is required for DATA-RELATION definition (12386)

what exactly am I missing ? 

progress version is 11.3.1

All Replies

Posted by Stefan Drissen on 25-Nov-2013 02:56

You are missing the DATA-RELATION.  ;-)

PARENT-ID-RELATION was only introduced in 11.0 and seems to have missed the correct PROTECTED treatment.

Posted by Frank Meulblok on 25-Nov-2013 04:20

If the dataset isn't inherited correctly, that seems like a bug to me. Please log a support case so we can make sure this gets logged correctly.

Posted by jmls on 25-Nov-2013 04:42

case 00260025

Posted by jmls on 25-Nov-2013 07:38

looks like this is a known bug.

Posted by Peter Judge on 25-Nov-2013 08:26

This is definitely a bug. But it's not a dataset bug  ... more likely a compiler bug. Just wanted to make sure you sent your, um, love to the right place :D

Posted by Frank Meulblok on 25-Nov-2013 10:26
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