treeview object in adm2

Posted by LegacyUser on 01-Jun-2002 11:18


I know there is a treeview object in Dynamics, but how can we do using simply

adm2 to use a treeview ?

why isn't this object part of the objects usable from adm2 ? it would greatly

simplify use of such an object when needed, ie for the need of representing

hierarchical data such as a 'subsidies organistion tree' or a 'product classification

tree' in the retail area for ex.

Using microsoft windows OCX tree is not simple and need 'window code' which

is time consumming and may be difficult.

A part of the job seemed to have benn done on ICF project, why not including

it in ADM2.

It is an important issue for us.


sylvestre SEGURON

Project Manager



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