[icf-dev] Check all fields in a DynViewer / DynSDO

Posted by LegacyUser on 28-Feb-2003 06:48


Is there a possibility to check all values of all fields of a DynViewer

/ DynSDO when saving the record?

The DynSDO contains 1 db-file with several fields. All fields must be

checked by a same function in a General Manager.

Normally you should write the following statements:

def var cReturnValue as char no-undo.

cReturnValue = dynamic-function('checkValueOfField in

gshCustomGeneralManager, cLabelField1, cTypeField1, cValueField1 )

if not isBlank(cReturnValue)

then do:

/* error message */


cReturnValue = dynamic-function('checkValueOfField in

gshCustomGeneralManager, cLabelField2, cTypeField2, cValueField2 )

if not isBlank(cReturnValue)

then do:

/* error message */



So we have to retrieve the label, type and value of each field of the

db-file of the DynSDO.

Is there an easier way to do this because every field has to be check by

the same function?


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All Replies

Posted by LegacyUser on 28-Feb-2003 08:17

Could you modify your field check routine to receive a

char string of field handles and then use the handles

to get this info (label/value/type)? If so, then use

the method "getAllFieldHandles" in the viewer CSP and

pass that to the function.


Yves Van Eester wrote:


Is there a possibility to check all values of all

fields of a DynViewer

/ DynSDO when saving the record?

The DynSDO contains 1 db-file with several fields.

All fields must be

checked by a same function in a General Manager.

Normally you should write the following statements:

def var cReturnValue as char no-undo.

cReturnValue = dynamic-function('checkValueOfField


gshCustomGeneralManager, cLabelField1, cTypeField1,

cValueField1 )

if not isBlank(cReturnValue)

then do:

/* error message */


cReturnValue = dynamic-function('checkValueOfField


gshCustomGeneralManager, cLabelField2, cTypeField2,

cValueField2 )

if not isBlank(cReturnValue)

then do:

/* error message */



So we have to retrieve the label, type and value of

each field of the

db-file of the DynSDO.

Is there an easier way to do this because every

field has to be check by

the same function?



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