[icf-dev] Schema Changes Applied to Main Branch

Posted by LegacyUser on 12-May-2003 15:57

This is just a heads up that schema changes have been applied to the

main branch (posse_31). See issue

http://dynamics.possenet.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10535 for details

and a specification of what has changed. Review the dependency tree in

this issue for related issues that further explain the reasons for the

changes, as every schema change has a related issue associated.

Also note the schema changes are being applied in phases, so right now

the main branch is upto delta 19 only, even though delta 20 has already

been checked in. Delta 20 is only going to be applied at a later date

when code changes have been checked in associated with the schema

changes. See the spec for more details.

Finally, whilst the schema changes have been checked in, the code

changes that use them have not yet been done as they required the schema

changes and datafields to be generated before that work could commence.

As I say, this is just a heads up in case anybody is downloading and

using the latest code off the main branch.



Anthony D Swindells

Engineering Fellow and Lead Architect for Progress Dynamics Progress

Software Corporation http://www.progress.com aswindel@progress.com

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