AW: [icf-dev] Loading standard smartobjects

Posted by LegacyUser on 02-Jun-2003 13:08

Hi Harvey,

you should try to compile your smartobjects (SDO and SDV) with the propath pointing to the adm2 of your posse dynamics environment (try FILE-INFO:FILE-NAME = "src/adm2/smart.i". MESSAGE FILE-INFO:FILL-PATHNAME.). The class-include files from dynamics differ from those in the standard progress environment. If you compile the smarties in your regular appbuilder and run them under dynamics you are running with a mismatch between the class.i and the class super procedures. When opening your SDV in the dynamics 2 appbuilder the SDO that constructed the SDV gets startet to validate the contained fields which may cause this error.



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-

Von: Harvey Willensky

Gesendet: Montag, 2. Juni 2003 19:28


Betreff: Loading standard smartobjects

I'd like to load some of my existing smartobjects into the Posse version of the AppBuilder and then save them to the repository. I am able to do this with SDO's. However, when I try to load an SDV I get the following errors:

BUFFER-FIELD IsRowObjUpdExternal was not found in buffer ADMProps (7351).

Invalid widget-handle. Not initialized or points to a deleted widget (3135)

BUFFER-FIELD DataColumns was not found in buffer ADMProps (7351)

My regular version of Progress is 9.1D06.

The Posse version is V3 Baseline 3.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Harvey Willensky


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