Support for lower case keywords in OEA

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 01-Mar-2007 13:12

I have just filed enhancement request 3579 as follows:

Many developers prefer to use lower case keywords in their development, but the default deployment of OEA uses all upper case keywords. While there is an option to set the case to lower for new typed in keywords, the provided macros and templates all use upper case. While it appears that 10.1B is more friendly in this regard than 10.1A since there is at least the option of customizing the templates (many of which were not editable in 10.1A), a person shouldn't have to work so hard for a simple, common preference. This is especially so, since they are likely to have to re-do a lot of work on each new release in order to incorporate new templates, new functionality, etc. This is an extremely common preference in the ABL world. It seems to me that PSC could quite easily create an alternate set of templates, along with other related files such as the auto-completion macros, and provide these files on PSDN along with a simple installation procedure for making the switch ... if there was a reason not to bundle it directly.

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