Architect startup error in OE10.1BSP1

Posted by mhutchinson on 21-Jun-2007 08:23

After attending most of the Architect exchange presentations i felt it was about time to take the plunge and start the migration over to Architect. Unfortunately my attempt to get started has failed at the first hurdle with the error "An error has occurred. See the log file ...". Checking the KB throws up P122134 which hints i have hit a known issue and advises me to reinstall OE in a directory path that does not include a space.

Whats peculiar is that i know that it has previously worked in a directory containing a space - is it an SP1 issue?

Given that its impractical to reinstall on a different path, has anyone else had the same problem and managed to work around it?



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Posted by jankeir on 21-Jun-2007 08:32

why exactly is it impractical?

If it's just because some applications/shortcuts/whatever rely on OE being in the path where it is right now, you may try to solve it by installing in a different location and create a junction from the new location to the old one.

A potential workaround may even be to create a junction from the current install dir to a space-less one and change the DLC accordingly.

Posted by Stefan Drissen on 21-Jun-2007 12:34

I also ran into this one - 10.1A works fine when installed to a directory with a space. 10.1B (even unpatched) doesn't like it (as the KB confirms).

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