Trouble with OEA Diagrams

Posted by Steve Croff on 20-Jul-2007 10:15

Diagrams for business components seem to be somewhat finicky in OEA-- if you move a diagram from one folder/project to another, the diagram components are there, but all of the contents are blacked out.

Recently, tech support suggested that I rebuild my workspace from scratch and after doing so, every diagram I created is toast. Is there a way to re-build a diagram from the include files so I don't have to re-do every temp-table / dataset diagram?

Thanks for any help!

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Posted by Steve Croff on 20-Jul-2007 11:59

I decided to try switching to a component model database for storing the Business Logic Component definitions. This solves the problem of components vanishing if you move the .dgm file to a new location!

However, it introduces a new problem. After reproducing the diagram and saving, all of the field orders are re-arranged to a different order in the temp-table definition. In fact if I manually change the order a field and save, and then re-open the diagram, the fields are in yet another order. I can't figure out how to reliably specify the field order in the diagram.

I suppose the field order would not matter so much, but I am trying to reproduce diagrams for the includes that already exist.

In general, are people using diagrams in OEA? If so, do you store the defs as XMI or DB?

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