I've a question about compiling speedscript .html files. I've set the build destination to produce .r code in a separate bin directory. In my source tree I have the .htm/.i files. Now, when I compile the html files the binaries ships to the bin directory but the .w file stays in my source tree and when cleaning the project only the .r files is removed, not the .w files (which stays in my source tree)
Is there anyway to configure oea to a.) place the .w files anywhere else on compilation (like the binaries option), b.) Remove the .w files on a project clean?
I'm also curious about the Editor/build options in oea prefs. What function does the SpeedScript extensions have? I would like to have both html, htm as SpeedScript files, and both html, htm as compilable file extensions. Then I should be able to compile .htm files, right? But still I have to "manipulate" the _idecompile101b.p to manage to compile .htm files. Is there other ways to accomplish this?
Hi Andreas,
There is an option on the build property page called 'static files location'. I think this will do a small part of what you're looking to do, but not all of it.
You're right, project clean only removes .r files. It will not remove any static files that were copied to the build target location.
If you add the .html and .htm file extensions to the list of compilable files (on the build tab), then the builder will treat them like speedscript files instead of ignoring them.